
If you want a major change to your hairstyle, or you have super thick or long hair, make sure you know what you’re getting into.

Read and noted.

Learn from my mistake and don’t teach pacifists’ children how to sing The Battle of New Orleans and Snoopy Versus the Red Baron. That doesn’t go down well.

Grandma’s old, not long for the world, and lives for grandkid hugs. I’m a better person for being taught to always hug her whether I felt like it or not and any kid of mine will be told the same.

Does talking to little kids require the ability to understand what they’re saying back? Because I lack that and spend a lot of time saying “oh, yeah?,” “really?!?,” “then what did you do?,” and “what did your mom say?” And pretending I understand any of their responses. :)

I currently wear two sizes smaller than I did in high school, 25 years ago.

I’m pissed that the reboot did Jackie so wrong and I’m pissed at Barr for her BS overshadowing the entire project so that no one is discussing the strengths/weaknesses of THE SHOW.

she won’t support Roseanne Barr having free speech?

I’m a much happier flyer while inebriated. Better for me, better for everyone around me. I’m a happy drunk; others’ mileage clearly varies.

The only non-shitty thing about flying is the acceptability of drinking beer with breakfast.

It will make your life BETTER. Satisfaction guaranteed. :eyeroll:

Whenever I shine my sink, I just feel a touch sad about later crapping it up to cook, wash dishes, or other unavoidable tasks for people who are alive. I don’t see how, as the headline touts, doing this makes my life better.

There are no kids involved but my mother and I will be consolidating households soon. Neither of us needs the other but recognize that we’ll both benefit financially and emotionally from living together rather than in two separate homes. (It helps that we genuinely like one another.) Her husband passed this year and

When your batshit star is so batshit her noise drowns out anything about her show. (Which was a pretty spotty reboot, not that anyone had anything to say about its content.)

I’m a single, childless person who thinks our culture did itself a disservice from moving away from the extended family model. Provided no one is abusive, the more eyes on the kids the better for them and for the parents. I was pissed when my mom married a guy I didn’t care for, but he was a decent man and now I see

My idea of a micro-vacation is actually resting/relaxing some. Unless something really pressing is happening, I take every Wednesday after work to just chill. No chores, no errands, just read, go for a walk, and/or do some needlework.

French woman murdered in England by people with names that sound kinda moozlim? The French press is jizzing itself, I bet.

1. I was polite the first three times I called about consistently late shipments when USPS was used. That got me nowhere. It was the same thing when their video app wasn’t playing. Nice = “Too bad, so sad, ya loser! LOL.” Mean = “Let me actually fix that.” I’m as disgusted as anyone that Amazon ignores civility and

I’ve had them claim they rang the bell and no one answered when I WAS SITTING RIGHT FUCKING THERE WAITING FOR MY PACKAGE. Many times. That’s their thing. I wish I were allowed to screw up and/or outright lie on a regular basis at my job!

I’ve had it happen with all carriers.* And then they act like they’re doing you a favor by not delivering it to the place they’re getting paid to deliver it to, but having you drive out and get it.