
When your girlfriend looks like an underfed 12 year old vegan goth but you accuse a heroic rescue worker of being a pedophile anyhow...I guess that is what you do as an entitled white dude from a country whose former apartheid past gave you fucking privilege the likes of which few people will ever know. FUCK. OFF.

Best of luck to Grimey (as she likes to be called).

Fuck you fucking fucks who make me ashamed to be a liberal. This bullshit petition is nothing more than the left-wing version of a book burning of a novel nobody bothered to read because Uncle who-the-fuck-ever aint gonna have no pinko commie smut in our library (or tv airwaves).


Know what else should not exist? Left wing people who judge a book by its cover. Try watching it to find out if it actually IS offensive. You and your ilk are like left wing versions of foxtards who refuse to watch sasha Baron cohen, even though SBC sets up democrats the same he does republicans. Get into the habit of

Fuck you fucking fucks who make me ashamed to be a liberal. This bullshit petition is nothing more than the left-wing version of a book burning of a novel nobody bothered to read because Uncle who-the-fuck-ever aint gonna have no pinko commie smut in our library (or tv airwaves).

Lots of shows don’t need to exist. However, much like books, people can consume what they like. Variety is the spice of life.

Wah. Wah. Don’t support it. Move on. It’s always something.

This is what I can’t get. I’m sure most readers and the writer would believe that a durag is not appropriate for school or job interviews. So why just say it’s not appropriate rather than going on about prison?

Durags are awful and they look ignorant worn outside of the home. It’s the same as rollers, curlers and shower caps outside the home. The fact that the school has to have a policy means kids are wearing them outside of the house, to school, and that’s bad parenting (yes, in m opinion!) and a bad look.

They should be banned for the guys who wear Durags for three months and can’t get the waves spinning.

Shocker. Roseann is still awful.

Guess a movie doesn’t begin at conception either.

I would love to know how many people decrying racism on this board are actually of south asian descent like myself. Not all of us were/are offended. Some of us appreciated the inclusion 25 years ago when the rest of you white devils refused to even acknowledge our existence. Should the role have been recast in time?

Fuck no on the unisex bathrooms. My wait time goes up by like 10 minutes every bar that does those...

Ohhh Sweetie. You must want a cookie for all that knowledge you have! Go suck your your mom’s dick you underoo shitstain

National Domestic Violence Hotline