Hank Scorpio

“Comedian, media personality, and mustachioed baggy-suit wearer Steve Harvey...”

Lower ride height =/= “Good”

You can buy them from ebay here:

Here are some stickers for the button blanks...

Sometimes you have a really vivid dream, where you have something perfect in your possession. You wake up and feel confusion, sadness, and anger to find out it was all a dream, and that you have to go back to reality empty handed.

Today, you can wake up and see this, the most beautiful art piece of all time, a sexy ass

Kamala reminds me of Bernie (although I find her to be VASTLY more intelligent) in that people are jumping on the bandwagon without really knowing much about her. I think we’re all thirsty for a woman president, particularly one who is a minority given how shitty representation is in general, I get it. But she is very

First, pass along to any you may have contacts with that we’ll wait until he’s better if Amazon will let them, would rather see them all at their best, then just trying to meet the schedule.

That’s actually what I’m talking about. The mirror seems to have a second, darker mirror hidden behind it, so that when you tilt it down, the light reflected from behind isn’t as bright. Try it at night sometime and see if I’m right.

This is what Pence wants America to be like.

“There’s no way any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday,” Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.)

“There’s no way any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday. For him to walk out there in dark skin. It’s simply an outrage. There’s no excuse for the president not to be white at all times.”

Yeah, but who has that much time to go to Cars and Coffee events, then run down crowds? There just aren’t enough hours in a day.

Actually, she got incredibly lucky — she worked for an international firm in Sydney and was able to just transfer to a US location near their home. The firm recently decided to expand maternity leave across the board, no matter which country and right before she was going to have the baby, they instituted a 6 MONTH

I am a cautionary tale. A few years ago, I fell down two carpeted stairs. I was indoors, not running, not acting stupid, not drunk, etc. I crushed my knee and tore all the ligaments and what not around it. I had five surgeries, the emergency room, and months of rehab. My first - just the first - hospital stay was

Can I just say, this Penalty of which you speak is so bizarre to me as an Australian. We too are “penalised” by not having private health coverage... but our “penalty” is “If you are super rich, like your household earns more than $180K a year, you have to pay some extra tax to continue to access the universal

How can he help out the citizens of Cincinnati? I thought he was elected by Pittsburgh.

If one Senate Republican stood up and said he or she is sick of Trump’s lies, disinformation, stonewalling, and hiding his tax returns, and stood up to the GOP enablers (all of them essentially) that Senator would be a freaking hero to the country. We need one person who is not a Democrat to speak up about putting

‘Kremlin Talk’?

So we have “locker room talk” and now “New York City talk.” How many more dialects does the polyglot Mr. Trump speak?