Hank Scorpio

I had a 5 million Turkish lira note until some asshat stole it from my house during a recent party. Loved that thing for the sheer insanity and representative devaluation of it all, plus I got it a month after the Euro cutover.

For those curious, there’s a simple way to calculate how much your modded car is worth:

To a multi-billionaire like me, NP.

“I’m just worried that they don’t understand the value of their life, and I don’t want them to knowingly put themselves in harm’s way.”

I think you might be able to write off the difference between the auction price and MSRP.

But my matching hoodie, watch, pen, polo, shirt, hat, umbrella, lanyard, multitool, duffle, water bottle, mug, keychain and badge haven’t arrived!

That blue is fucking amazing.

Have to disagree. I’ve spent years as a free-solo climber.

Yeah! At 48, he’s practically in a nursing home! Fucking old people need to know their place!

The same could be said about Pike’s Peak, the guy that paddle boarded the Atlantic Ocean, high level long distance sail boat racing, powerboat racing, and pretty much any automotive racing.
Not everyone wants to live to be 100 years old and pass away from their organs failing with a rapidly degenerating brain/memory

May he ride eternal, shiny and chrome.

AWD is for turds who can’t drive.

Now playing

You’re forgetting one thing. While you need one transmission per wheel, you forgot about the splitters. Clearly you need two splitters per transmission... giving you 3 shifters per transmission... 12 in total. And if each main transmission is a 6 speed, with two splitters, you’ll have 24 gears!

I have purchased exactly two from-the-dealer new cars in this century and both have been manuals. The first I kept (and enjoyed) long past any worry about resale value, and the second is getting loving care and maintenance but gets driven hard and often.

Counterpoint: performance has increased to the point of being irrelevant on the street, and the vast majority of these cars will never see a track, and the few that do see a track will be in the hands of drivers with far more ego than skill and will be lapped by better drivers in cars with less “performance.”

Hey, if it has 4 clutch pedals then you don’t need any other form of steering—you just apply 100% power to the proper wheel and it turns itself. And you could put one side in reverse, the other side in 1st and do hella sick donuts.

I think what you mean is “ordering the duck à l’orange and washing it down with some Mountain Dew.”

My new sports car, the Rosinator 1, will feature an innovative new quadruple-manual transmission, with each wheel driven by its own miniature manual transmission built right into the wheel. Yes, that means four shifters, and four clutch pedals. It’ll also be powered by a naturally-aspirated, air-cooled, rear-mounted

I used to sell them.

I grew up in a pretty conservative house, with parents who were both from small towns (Arkansas for Dad, Louisiana for Mom). I only ever witnessed overt racism once—in the 80's, my aunt put a Michael Jackson (!) tape in the stereo and my grandfather told her to “turn that nigger music off.” Even though I was pretty