Hank Scorpio

That’s it! Kick him from the Cocoon! He can go live with Henchman 21 for a while.

Didn’t you expect this though? The Monarch has had public outbursts with you in the past but he always seems to cave to your ideas in the end. I’d blame his parents but...well :-(

Why do you need to do that? Just send your butler over to buy you two.

I got a question for you, Andrew: can I trade place with you and I get to drive it and you stay home?

There was that time he looked around the room to find Rudy Giuliani, who was sitting directly across from him the whole time.

I believe Aussie-market cars have additional fuel tanks.

Probably some roadside attraction he saw in a magazine that’s no longer there.

And the hat throwing! He was like “oh shit, why the fuck do I have this? Better just chuck it into the crowd...” I am not looking forward to the “you can’t attack him; he’s ill!” crowd, if/when it does get confirmed...

Yeah, but my greatest fear is we’ve had our last free and fair election in the U.S. Sessions is the guy who will firm up the dictatorship.

Not my chair not my problem, that’s what I say.

I think as someone stated above, it’s more a broader definition of racism that includes bigotry, Maybe seeing the full quote would help. From the linked article, he said:

Hawaii is to a large degree populated by people of Pacific Islander (inc. Hawaiian) and Asian heritage. It’s a Known Issue that lot of people look at that sort of info and think it means that Hawaii is not really American.

I know! Poke holes in a few condoms and watch a few girls deal with unwanted pregnancies and STDs and suddenly I’M THE BAD GUY.

In the ‘80s, the Senate rightly withheld their consent to elevate Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III to a Federal judgeship.

I love how people think that saying it’s a joke somehow negates the fact they’re being racist or sexist. Who cares it’s only a joke!! Said every bully ever.

Nobody has a sense of humor anymore? How was this comment even remotely funny? One of the most powerful men in the country is a racist who doesn’t seem to understand how 101 level government works and serves under a president who knows even less. Fucking hilarious.

This is the speech pattern that grandpa has right before you have the uncomfortable conversation where you tell him he can’t live by himself anymore.

Christ, he sounds like a stoner trying to shit out a term paper two hours before it’s due and he missed the entire semester.

Your theory also explains why the universe seemingly has historical similarities with major human events. They must have a collective memory of human experience and repeated it on some kind of loop, atrocities and all.