Volt, then Spark, then Bolt. What’s next, the Chevy Taser?
Volt, then Spark, then Bolt. What’s next, the Chevy Taser?
Paul Ryan is such a spineless weasel. I can’t believe that people like him and Mitch McConnell are supposed to be keeping Donald in check.
Um, if it’s not souped up, why do we refer to it as “stock?” (while trying to think up another soup pun)
How long have you been stewing over this, Jason?
To be fair, Jack was Frozen at the end.
The only person that’s full of shit is you, James Cameron, thinking people want to see not one, not two but THREE FUCKING AVATAR SEQUELS. I saw Avatar. It was.....fine.
As Prince Charles understands, a towel has great practical value.
This won’t come to market, because it won’t make it past the Trump ban....due to wearing a burka.
My racecar playlist features zero hard rock or eurobeat. I tend to favor EBM (not a typo) and dark synthpop. I guess men in sharp black suits who may or may not be German do the trick for me. Seriously, if VNV Nation doesn’t get you to go fast, you’re either dead or your car is broken.
So is this some weird form of sarcasm, or an even weirder attempt at promoting Jamiroquai?
You can not separate the two.
you wont get an answer because there are none. In fact the standards are entirely reasonable especially considering the move toward electric cars and the fact that the called for standard is measured differently than actual mpg in cars these days
What are some regulations you consider to be “insane?”
Apparently when he had a huge yacht it was called Trump Princess.
I’ve never heard of a single person being looked down upon for nationalistic purchasing decisions. “Made in the USA” is a selling point for a reason. From a car standpoint, foreign cars were superior for a long time. I don’t think that’s necessarily true for most segments these days, but there’s still a bit of a…
oh great... now porsche is using alternate facts....
Awesome! Probably the best $5000 you can spend on car stuff. It doesn’t look like its bolted to the floor, which I would think it really should be, so there is no outward deflection as it lifts. Just food for thought. Good luck with it, I wish I had a house so I could get one myself! Years of working on various cars…