Hank Scorpio

X-terra owners, how are these things to live with on a long term basis? common weaknesses?

Very disappointed that “SLAMBORGHINI” is not an article tag...

We could provide a whole tour of this great state.

Jalopnik needs a trip to Tennessee.

Two Hillarys are better than one!

Right... right... we shouldn’t elect anyone who has ever told a white lie for things that are personal. Never mind she continued to make public appearances while sick and not feeling well.

is Dr Oz going to anal prob him to confim his health status????

Serious question: why does it matter

What I don’t get is why this walking pneumonia diagnosis isn’t proving to everyone what a fucking badass Hillary is. She hasn’t slowed down and she’s been seriously sick. This is some serious dedication. My 22 year old brother got walking pneumonia and he missed finals because of it.

Why, it’s almost as if people look different when they’re feeling poorly!

We had one. He got us through some rather trying times. Like Prohibition.

I’m with her. And/or her body double.

The debates will be fantastic for Hillary. Donald Trump is not going to be able to follow all the rules of the debates, like time limits and waiting his turn. He also won’t be able to feed off the crowd, some of whom will actually be hostile to him. It won’t be like a rally where he can say anything and get cheers. He

Yeah, but I kind of have to give him points here. Saying it’ll be rigged beforehand, then doing badly, then being able to say “I told you so” is something that will go over well with his rabid fanbase. Because then he’ll have just been right the whole time, with something to blame his poor performance on other than

I thought Lauer looked great

So I think we should have a debate with no moderator.

Increase the numeric nomenclature, you say?