Hank Scorpio

Jalopnik trip to Oak Ridge?

If he hollers, let him go, Lewis.

Because it is a printer. A normal printer works by laying ink on a piece of paper left/right top/bottom, this does yhe same thing but with plastic and since it layers plastic on top of plastic already layed it goes in 1 more dimension than 2d printer, hence 3d printer.

Because machining implies material removal manufacturing versus additive manufacturing.

My first thought when I looked at that was, “All that wicker is probably really hard to clean.”

“A Tisket A Tasket

For some reason I wasn’t thinking restaurants—I was imagining a kosher Italian grocery store, which seemed a little more specialized. I feel like the post originally said “place?” But maybe I’m just tired.

The appeal of Chinese food is the hidden pork. “I thought that was chicken”

In the heavily Jewish part of my neighborhood, there’s a Kosher Sushi restaurant.

Have you ever read David Foster Wallace’s “The Pale King”? It is magnificent (sadly a work in progress at the time of his death.) There’s a great scene where the main character shows up on his first day of work at an IRS field office, and sees that it is a giant building whose facade is a 1040 form, with windows in

Here is your complaint/commiseration thread.

Excuse me is this the hand basket that’s going to hell? I don’t want to get in the wrong one.

Yeah, too bad they never swing the camera around. Or pan out.

Man, Yogi Bear is going to be all over that.

Looks like some bikers decided they would be security at the rally. Bikers doing security. What could possibly go wrong?

Holed up in the new campaign headquarters, Donald Trump could not be reached for comment.

Trump thought that was a Russian flag so he left it in.

Eric Trump also tweeted a photo of his father from last nights rally.

While they might have cropped out the rafters, he forgot the GIANT FUCKING TEXAS FLAG on the left.