Hank Scorpio

Volvo, Subaru and Audi all had another very good month. What do all three have in common?

Now if only Ford did the same for Mustang buyers...

Did the Japanese authorities at least drive Raiders?

This is what came to mind when I read the headline:

She’s probably there on weekday afternoons.

Ehhhhh, this one is a toughy, look at his skin tone. Maybe if his name was Spencer or Brock.

Even if they were canon, C2-N2 and C2-D4 were manufactured nearly 4000 years prior to the original trilogy, so they’re probably not relevant to the contemporary naming convention. Using C2-R4 as an example doesn’t work in Torch’s favor since it’s a mishmash of who knows how many different droid components, but clearly

Hey how’s everybody doing I hope everyone’s doing great. Some folks wrote some comedy comments so I want to make sure that their comedic talents are fully appreciated by everyone at Jalopnik so I’ll start up a thread to give out some cheers and some jeers.

Yes. The woman is the person that I have the most questions about.

How did you manage to reproduce? I think Mrs. Torch needs her own column on Jezebel. Bet she's got a lot of material to work with.

The other C2 droids you identified are not canon examples

God, I miss that show. One of these days I’m going to buy the collection.

No one is arguing anything other than releasing co2 that was sequestered over millions of years, in the span of hundreds via burning hydrocarbons, accelerates the frequency severity and duration of climate change.

Liberal Democrat chiming in: fuck that noise. Put lasers on all of the things, all day erry’day.

I guarantee she doesn’t shave.

Lots of reasons.

It’s almost like Skoda are hanging around strip joints looking for car names.

It’s also exactly the yet unnamed 7 seat crossover from VW that’s coming here.

Out of necessity most likely.

to visit family who don’t live in the US?