Hank Scorpio

I don’t think a site where many rape survivors come to comment is the place to wish rape on anyone. Your comment was triggering as fuck.

But I’m mad now!

No, Mustangs of the seas. He was leaving a boats and coffee meet.

Mad props.

(meanwhile off camera)

Earth Girls Are Easy starring Geena Davis, Jeff Goldblum, Jim Carrey, and Damon Wayans.

I just keep finding reasons to use this.

So, this is the maritime equivalent of rollin’ coal, right?

do you think Trump actually hears a voice other than his own or does he just hear Peanuts-Style muted trumpet when another person speaks?

I worked perfectly!

I really don’t understand why Nieto met with him in the first place. That joint presser just served to legitimize the Trump’s position and allowed him look like he could actually be POTUS.

America truly is a great country. The Deadspin staff’s new ambition is for Tomi Lahren to disembowel us.

Better watch out when it leaves Legos & Juice Box

Joseph MCarthy? G. Gordon Liddy? Himmler? I mean she has a type.

Cherrypicking screenshots is really providing ‘evidence’

The Blaze is the “media network” that Glenn Beck started when Fox shitcanned him. Essentially this woman works for Glenn Beck.

Aww fuck, who got Ann Coulter wet?

“How dare you sit there and blame white people for the problems of the minority communities. After all, aren’t you half white? Didn’t two white parents adopt you, after yours weren’t willing to raise you?!”

Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.