Hank Scorpio

Why would he need to apologize? Rockets fail. This should be insured. I enjoy watching this bad boy burn.

Sorry Pence but you will forever be the Governor who threw a woman in prison for having a miscarriage. And then you hitched your wagon to Trump, who said that women who have abortions should be imprisoned.

oh what a double-edged sword. released from prison to live in Indiana. this is a terribly sad story

I hope she gets out and moves away from this hellmouth of a state. Go on, SAVE YOURSELF!

We got a hipster alert!

I like how it looks like the tractor want to kill someone. That’ll help when SKYNET activates - they’ll already look the part!

My dad is still farming at 77yrs old, he doesn’t have to, but it’s just what he does. However, I don’t think he’ll be investing in an autonomous tractor anytime soon, we couldn’t even convince him to get a pickup with cruise control, or power windows, or air conditioning.

Pam Anderson is the absolute last fucking person who should be shaming anyone about porn.

I had a teacher accuse me of forging my mom’s signature (she signed a permission slip half asleep using the pillow as a desk). She made me stand in front of the class and copy the signature over and over and then had the class vote to see if they were the same. Fortunately there was a classroom mom who called my

I get that fidgeting can be a problem. My son was an extreme fidgeter at that age. His folders all looked like they had been chewed by hamsters. He would unravel the hems of his shorts and even unravel his socks.

“I feel embarrassed, and I did not like how she treated me… that’s not a way I can make friends.”

Except that in a lot of schools, the fact that her parents had a problem with the teacher will, in fact, mean that many the other teachers have it in for Taraji. I’ve been a teacher, and I’ve been a student, and I’ve seen that behavior more than once.

Maybe the teacher should move classes. The child isn’t the problem.

I had a 2nd grade teacher crumple up my paper and throw it in my face when she noticed it had a Cheeto mark on the corner of it. Your teacher and my teacher were miserable cunty mccuntersons. My sympathies!!

Now playing

Buck Russell: I don’t think I want to know a six year old who isn’t a dreamer, or a sillyheart. And I sure don’t want to know one who takes their student career seriously.

Why be a teacher?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Do something else if you hate children.

OMG a first-grader fidgeting in class! Unheard of! Who knew teachers had to put up such wretched, out-of-control behavior?

Donald’s taking their weapons away? Sad!