Hank Scorpio

Most dealers don’t need anything more than they would for a test drive: leave a copy of your license at the dealer, maybe proof of insurance and an instant credit check as well.

I’m still going to be very disappointed if we don’t get to see the piss tape by the end of this, but that would be a pretty good consolation prize.

A friend of mine posts this image every time someone leaves.

He’s already lasted longer than the Mooch. I’m not sure what that says.

Are we talking 3 on the tree, or one of those crazy truck transmissions with multiple shifters?

It is by far the most popular encrypted messaging app (except maybe iMessage). It’s worth mentioning that you can use it to contact them purely because people are more likely to have it than Signal or SecureDrop.

No, because you’d still have to park it. Also, I think it’s just an attitude difference: I’ve helped a dozen European friends buy cars here in the US, where they pay no more than we do, and not one wanted anything bigger than a midsize sedan as a daily (one guy has me looking for the oldest, rattiest S10 I can find

 If memory serves correctly, the VW Tiguan has less cargo capacity than a GTI.

If you have one dog and one kid, you don’t need a crossover either. Get a hot compact while you still can.

In the past, this company has claimed they will have their own fueling infrastructure, and that the H2 will be produced from electrolysis. They’re basically using it as a way to carry around stored electricity more efficiently and with a faster recharge time than a battery. I don’t know if that’s still their plan, but

Does a CBR fit in the back of an EP3?

No need to wonder.

Agreed. Not just the novelty of the JL, but the last chance to get a JK fresh from the factory.

I can believe this one. My car has a very stiff suspension. It makes speed bumps uncomfortable, even at very low speeds (5-10mph). I recently discovered that if I just hit them going 45mph, it’s much less jarring.

Friend of mine told me a story about a date he went on recently. The girl had a car with paddle shifters, and usually drove around in (S)port mode. Because she had been drinking while they were out, she instead put it in (D)runk for the drive home.

This is supposed to be about bad advice.

Or better yet, take your project to a professional cage builder who already knows how to build a roll cage.

There’s other issues too. If wages are really high in one industry that employs a lot of people, workers in other industries that provide services can’t afford to live in the area. A good example is Midland, TX: tons of oil workers making $70k+, but the city can’t afford to pay public employees enough for them to live

Yes, on the condition that it comes with a SpongeBob exterior. If I’m in, I’m in.