Hank Scorpio

That’s well documented: martinis used to be about 4oz, half the size they are now. Changes what you think of when you hear “three martini lunch” eh?

As a wine drinker, I visited a bar last week that poured my Sauvignon Blanc into a goblet so massive it made my hand appear miniature

There’s this weird... idea/thing/whatever among a certain set that if you write something down a lot, it will somehow magically/notmagically come true. They call them “affirmations”. No, I don’t get it either.

Of course. So is this:

One of my undergrad professors was heir to the Sapporo Brewing Company. He was uninterested in the business and let his brother take over instead. Not like he was some slouch: he’s a world-famous condensed matter physicist, one of the leading experts in my field. Anyway, you’d never guess it in a million years: he

Is there a reason you separate out salivary cancers? My understanding is they are normally classified as head and neck cancers.

My confusion over what a Pantera race car is doing at a JDM auction site is only surpassed by my amazement over how gorgeous it is.

 she only lives four hours from me

Now playing

Your comment about size is spot on, and reminded me of this.

Throughout the sporting world, I think that a big key is getting girls (younger women) involved in sports

Because little girls are encouraged to play with toy horses but not toy cars.

Soccer is a massive part of some cultures, bigger than auto racing in any culture I’d wager, but the USWNT dominates even though the USMNT sucks because cultural attitudes of women participating in sports is an independent variable and most cultures/countries don’t prioritize it. Even the other good national teams in

Endurance, hell yes!, but woman are pretty equal to men in that regard.

You can hear her speak right before she takes off in the GT R. Unless Sabine has traded her thick Deutscherakzent for a distinctly British one, it ain’t her.

If you don’t really need a car but you want to have fun with them then you don’t need to pick something boring and rational.

As far as I know, refineries don’t have much to do with the difference between regular and premium: it gets cracked and isomerized up to some minimum and then octane boosters do the rest. Since tetraethyl lead is illegal for road cars in the US, that’s usually a combination of highly branched alkanes and ethanol. So

Your N52B30 only has a CR of 10.7:1. I’m just guessing, but BMW may recommend premium so that people don’t have any issues at altitude (and they figure their customers can afford the difference). I’d be interested to know if the ECU alters the timing when you switch, or if it detects any knock. Since you’re an

That thing is gonna print money. I have no need for one, but I’m excited just cuz it means Subaru will be in better financial condition. Not that they’re in trouble right now, but companies which are flush with cash tend to be willing to do more crazy shit... like up the power on the STI or bring the Levorg to the US

That’s the same as the WRX & STI: many places have 91 as premium instead of 93 so the ECU is designed to be able to adjust the tune for either. The ECU adjusts the tune to whatever you’ve been running, so it’s best to stick with one or the other. I’ve never seen both at one station though, so really only an issue when