Hank Scorpio

Wouldn’t work for LeMons or whatever they’re calling Chumpcar now, but would be fine for any more ‘real’ racing series. WRL for example.

it’s time to put an end to this love affair with the Scandinavian way of living.

My cousin in Rio was 6mo pregnant when the whole thing started. She took a leave of absence from her job, rarely left her home, and covered herself in DEET and mosquito netting every time she did go out. All turned out ok in the end, but man was it scary.

I actually do this on those rare occasions when I eat Cheetos. It works amazingly well.

I have once ever seen a Golf R in the wild. I’ve seen a few RSs and two CTRs. I see STIs all the time. AWD is 100% unnecessary where I live.

The biggest problem is it tries to privatize as much of the FAA as possible.

Oddly, Ms. Chao was one of the only Cabinet officials I wasn’t worried about: she’s a former Secretary of Labor (for all of W’s time in office), has held other high level positions in and out of government, and has generally been a reasonable administrator. I was more concerned that she’s Mitch McConnell’s wife, but

I suppose it could be in contrast with synthetic analysis, but I’m not sure what that would mean.

The snappily named CRH380A train (CRH stands for China Railway High-speed!) holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s fastest passenger train.

Grid Moose

Now playing

It actually works better than I’d have guessed up to about the 45 second mark.

Sure: just do it in reverse.

GM is the fourth largest car company in the world. By that measure, any number of established, profitable manufacturers are losers. If you compare with a more niche brand and take into account that they only have two models, it’s not nearly as bad. BMW sold ~11000 5-Series and 10000 X5s in the 3rd quarter. These are

Eh... I’d take a V8TT ‘Vette. Call it a Callaway SledgeHammer throwback and make it push 900whp.

My first semester as a graduate TA, I had two students in a lab section who’d put off physics for a year and who’d worked in some kind of electronics shop. They worked together, and were usually done with the whole lab before any other groups had gotten to the first “ask your TA before you proceed” checkpoint.

They can do that when they make a rear-engine ‘Vette. Anyway, there’s an RMR GM product which would be a better throwback.

There’s a clear throwback name for this: what’s the only other mass-market RMR sports car made by a major US manufacturer, which also happens to be GM?

The C2+ Vettes are technically FMR layout, not FR: the engine is mostly behind the front axle.

Yeah, I’m sure a huge number of those provisional ballots are white evangelicals.</s>