Hank Scorpio

It’s like an annoying child who thinks he’s funny but he’s not.

So is he some kind of undead that feeds on vitriol and white nationalist wins instead of flesh or blood? Cuz he’s looking like he’s falling apart more than usual here.

Just insert the URL like you did, but change it to http:// (instead of https) and cut it off before the question mark.

I’m certainly tired of all this winning, just like he promised.

This has had one of my friends laughing for the last 26 hours. I will admit it gave me a chuckle as well.

(It should go without saying that cats are obligate carnivores. No vegan diets for cats, that’s cruel and stupid.)

If your giftees like outdoor stuff (or stuff which looks like it could be) REI is a good bet. It’s technically a coop, they partner with the National Parks for a bunch of stuff, and they’ve signed on to Patagonia’s lawsuit about the National Monuments.

Agreed: MN is one of the two bluest states in the Midwest (along with Illinois). I am unconcerned.

Oh, shit... have to see how Jones does in the Senate, but that might be brilliant. Warren for NE & the far-Left, with Jones to pick up moderates, minorities (dogged KKK prosecutor with an award from the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute? Fuck yes!), and maybe even have a shot in the South.

I’d say especially with both of them up in 2018: the same voters who come out for one will come out for the other. They can coordinate their campaigns this way too.

Interesting... not something I’d thought about before.

So’s Comey. Oh, but he was nominated by a Democrat, so he must be biased, right? Not like we’ve had other cross-party major cabinet members in the past or anything...

Don’t let me forget that I owe you a drink.

shrinking faster than Roy Moore’s dick at turning-20 birthday party

If he’s smart, he’ll have parked significant assets overseas. That’s part of the reason so many Chinese millionaires have been buying up real estate in the West: compared to cash, it’s a much harder asset to freeze/seize if they get in trouble. Then they just need to get themselves and family out, but he’s probably

As an STI owner...

There were a dozen candidates for CotD on that thread. Best post in a long time.

Gotta be that or a Toyota Pickup.

Maybe this one’s studying to be a paralegal?

A lot of our highways are designed to be used as backup runways. Legacy of the Cold War. I can just imagine flying cars trying to merge in and out of traffic on the highway...