Hank Scorpio

I always thought he had a ZIL?

*i have never visited a strip club.

I think it’ll be a narrow Moore victory. Long term, that’s almost as good (because this wasn’t even supposed to be close) but it sucks for the 2018 congress.

Sure: the pickle loaf is something I might actually be interested in having around.

an incredibly Canadian tweet

The exact opposite of hygge, in other words.

people between 25 and 54, the demographic most coveted by advertisers

Because the NY electoral machine is corrupt as hell and it’s not really a party affiliated thing. They also don’t have early voting, something we have here in ultra-red TN.

It really should be. It’s the default in OR, and it’s gotten difficult to vote in person in WA. NY doesn’t have early voting either, and we even have that down here in TN.

I’m just gonna say it: the dude was rockin’ that suit.

Now playing

Oh, good... here’s the thread where I should put this video.

“Terpsic was happy. He was watching a feather on a cork bob gently on the gently, reed-lined waters of the Hakrull river and his mind was very nearly a blank. The only thing that could have disturbed his mood was actually catching a fish, because catching fish was the one thing about angling that he really dreaded.

Nope. Because he’s essentially immune from prosecution, there are really only two ways it can happen that matter: he gets investigated by Congress as part of an impeachment hearing, or he gets investigated by a special prosecutor or special counsel as part of a Congressional or DOJ probe. With Congress controlled by

I remind myself of this fact every day: Trump is the rotting carcass of the past.

Kamala Harris is too new on the scene and may want to either go for a VP slot or wait until the Democrats need a new candidate

Exhaustion has been a major worry of mine since day one. If you need to unplug and take care of your mental health, do it! We’ve got a long way to go, and we need everyone strong and well rested.