Hank Scorpio

The belting + airbags requirement isn’t so much about positioning you height-wise — that’s a separate issue for short people. The airbag is essentially exploding in front of you (so it can open fast) and can cause serious head trauma or spinal injuries if you’re in the way. You need the belt to slow you down so that

visitors not used to the heat/humidity combo.

The Federal mileage reimbursement rate for 2017 is 53.5¢/mile. The mean commute for Americans is actually exactly your 30 mile round trip, so let’s call it 600 miles/month. Together, those come to $321/mo in gas, maintenance, and depreciation. Nationwide, the average insurance payment is about $75/mo, the average loan

Parachuting has no objects around so you don’t get the sensation of speed.

Yankee transplant here: I certainly don’t, and it’s real easy to tell who I’m not gonna like based on this one thing.

Here, I’ll help: you shouldn’t agree with this. The estimated cost of a manned mission to the Moon is $100B. That is more than five years of NASA budget. If you allocated them an extra $100B, NASA could fund every program on its Discovery, New Frontiers, and Flagship lists (including the longshot ones), put landers on

Jews vote overwhelmingly Democratic anyway. That’s not the point. It’s the exact same reason Trxmp had Ben Carson stand behind him at rallies and kept pointing out the couple black people who’d show up. These people want to appear, at least at the atomically thin surface level, not to be racists. Being a racist in

If he loses, it will be seen a sign that either (a) Trumpian candidates aren’t as strong as they think or (b) sexual predators don’t make good candidates. The fight between the (a) and (b) factions will essentially be a proxy for Bannon vs McConnell type Republicans, and it will lend ammunition to both sides. If he

I’m sure you’d be doing your part if Wicker or Cochran had been pulled into the current administration.

I wonder if Mr. Sailing was the guy who suggested Moore sleep on a sandbag so he’d be harder to frag?

I was sharing an account with some roommates in grad school for about a year. This was back before you could stream on secondary profiles, so we couldn’t separate it that way either. The bizarre categories for suggestions it was coming up with by the end were pretty entertaining. “Ecologically Focused Socioeconomic

Seriously! They missed their chance with the first one, they can’t miss this one too!

If the photo isn’t heavily ‘shopped, that is a ridiculously adorable child.

Not all: some of them are using drugs.

Where I live, I rarely see people pulled over merely for speeding. Despite driving entirely too fast and having a fairly long commute, it’s only happened to me three times. Two of those, I was really asking for it: 90ish in a 55. Those are also the two where I got off with a stern talking-to. Now, people are

They’re called sheriff’s departments in most parts of the country. Even where I am it TN, with a unified city-county, we have both a sheriff and a police dept (though I don’t know what the jurisdiction difference is).

An 8 point win would be all but a victory: Alabama hasn’t been that close in 20 years. If not for how terrible a candidate Moore is, it wouldn’t even be a contest.

I had the Ghostbusters Popper gun when I was a kid. It uses the air pressure of depressing that grey handle to shoot little yellow foam cylinders. If they still fit well and you hit the piston really hard, they might go 8-10'. For reference, it looked like this:

If you have some time to kill and don’t mind some stern questioning, I highly encourage it.