Hank Scorpio

Total original MSRP for these four was only about $700k. The guy probably thought “These look nice and will be an ok place to park some money.”

Or keep an air compressor in your car. Whether it’s powered by the car, LPG, or a diesel generator is up to your personal preference.

Without the 22nd, we’d probably have had at least three terms of Reagan, maybe even three of W.

I want to believe, but I just can’t get my hopes up anymore. Moore will almost certainly underperform any other Republican Senate candidate from Alabama in forty years, but he’s probably still going to eke out a victory.

Yep. Worse than that: it will work.

It is absurd to me that we live in a world where we have repeatedly hoped that Mitt would be some kind of “voice of reason” politician, either as a late Presidential entry, a post-election replacement to satisfy the Electoral College, or someone to fit Orrin Hatch’s seat. Truly, this is the Darkest Timeline.

my last set of ultra high performance summer tires set me back $75.80 each

I saw one at the Petersen Auto Museum in LA. You know how you sometimes hear about meeting celebrities and they’re much shorter in person? That’s how it was seeing an F1 up close: the damn thing is tiny!

Micrometeorites may have physically damaged the external components, and radiation may have wrecked the electronics.

They fixed the fender with duct tape. I use that every day.

The article doesn’t mention that they fixed it, or how they did it. Those are pretty key details, especially since they did it with duct tape.

Not enough unnecessary length. Nachrichtendienichtwahrsind?

Take your star and go.

They exist where I am too, but I don’t really notice any difference in how they treat men vs women: they seem to be equal opportunity assholes.

Racing organizations like SCCA and NASA are working initiatives to increase #’s of women at the grassroots level, through autocross and HPDE programs.

SCCA has a thing called Street Survival you should look into, if only because it’s probably more convenient — they have them all over the place instead of just at Skip Barber schools/tracks.

This morning, a friend of mine posted a picture of his 8yo daughter working on the rear suspension of his motorcycle. He’s got her in karts now, and will have her on a minibike soon.

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You can get one which replaces the comments with a relevant reddit thread. It’s... marginally better?