Hank Scorpio

As a physical barrier, hair/beard is a much better block for UV than sunscreen. The last time I shaved (2009, I think) it was obvious that the upper half of my face had seen far more sun than the lower. And even with non bearded folks, your scalp doesn’t normally get burned under your hair, even if you stay out in the

Polls show that most registered Democrats and Republicans think Democrat legislators should resign if they committed some kind of misconduct. I wish I was kidding.

You’re assuming they’re not the demagorgons.

Schumer is smart enough to drag it out for months. If they want him out, they’ll need to start sooner than that. If that happens, all the Trumpkins will abandon the GOP and they’ll lose the House for sure.

He may have promised to release his medical results, but he also promised to release his tax returns.

Unless you’re Bill Clinton—-then your horndog behavior will be used as a cudgel against an entire political party for time immemorial; weird how that works, right?

It varies. Some of them really don’t like IVF because the extra embryos are disposed of.

Not that I care what these people want, but Alcatraz hardly counts as tropical. What’s the Twain quote? “The worst winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco”?

I drove a Boxster for two weeks in September. I liked the drop top more than I thought I would, but I still have no real desire to get a convertible of my own.

Those built in ports are useless. I was in a Lyft a couple months ago and the guy was complaining that his phone didn’t stay charged while he was driving around with the map on, even though he left it plugged into the USB plug in the car. Having had the same problem in rental cars, I told him to go pick up a cheap $5

The CR-Z had a manual option. It also looked pretty decent. People panned it.

Brings up an interesting question: who’s weirder — fans of old computers or fans of old cars? And which group hoards compatible, numbers-matching parts more?

(btw, CA can still dictate their own standards)

Insurance payouts for medical are often orders of magnitude higher than car repairs or replacement. It’s in the insurance companies best interest to have everyone driving cars that keep them alive.

There must be more to it: EyeSight is an option on both the Crosstrek and WRX (tho not STI) but the WRX took + and the Crosstrek did not.

The build sheets I’ve seen are more like $20-25k. If you’re having a shop do the build, that could add another $25k: FF says it’s about 250 hours of work to get it going, and $100/hour isn’t crazy. But what’s the point of buying a kit car if you’re gonna have someone else put it together?

I suspect it’s a design exercise for Jiangsu: they seem to want to be a real player in the growing Chinese market, and probably decided that a niche car like this is a good place to start. If it fails, no one will notice. If it succeeds, it’s a fancy American supercar they can point to — that still has some level of

It’s the same shift affecting Michigan and Wisconsin: manufacturing is leaving, causing economic woes, and brown people are moving in. MN started at a bluer baseline, which also meant they could enact social programs to help stave off the pain.

I always felt the President should be smarter than the average person.