Hank Scorpio

I dunno about him, but it’s pretty much what Bannon and Pence want, possibly for different reasons.

It provides a bump, but not a big one. HW lost even with the Iraq war, and he was nowhere near this level of unpopular.

the person who will have to fix the screw up with America’s allies and defuse another Middle East crisis

I usually turn off the radio when he comes on, but decided to listen to this one for some reason. Even though I was only half paying attention, it was striking, but I thought it was just my imagination.

What’s wrong with shower sex?

I used to make a point to carry them around. They’re fun to pay with, especially if you’re tipping a barista or something. I should see if I can still get rolls of them...

My favorite bar in grad school only took cash. I retaliated by only paying in dollar coins. They turned out to be fine with that (I just became known as the guy who always pays in dollar coins) so I was going to up the ante to pennies. Unfortunately, one of the waitresses told me if I did that, the bar manager would

Yeah, clearly there are no deeply red areas in those states.

*right to birth

Now playing

Now that the GOP has officially returned their backing? Yeah...

It’s really too bad... even with the sandbags, ‘accidents’ happen on battlefields. Especially in Vietnam.

But this is different from those times. Because reasons.

My understanding is that gas stations and truck stops make most of their money from the other stuff you buy while you’re there, not the fuel itself. In that light, this could actually be beneficial for them.

I’d bet on it being EMP tolerant long before surviving an actual blast.


You know, I’m not sure about this. Earlier this year, Ford also announced they were moving production of small cars from the US to Mexico. That’s not because they were cutting how many cars were being built in the US, but because it made more sense to build the trucks (high margin) here and the little sedans (low

Nah: it’s for drifting.