Hank Scorpio

Using Subarus as examples of used car depreciation curves is highly misleading.

A horse has a brain. If it’s been trained to take a rider, it’s pretty easy to use one as basic transportation. The main things a rider needs to know are how to tell the horse how fast to go, how to keep it from getting distracted, and how to sit so you won’t fall off and so your butt and legs won’t be sore for days

I think your sarcasm detector needs a tuneup.

If I had a thousand bucks I wanted to blow, I bet I could get a paper on how vaginal eggs cure brain cancer published.

she writes that after being diagnosed with postpartum thyroiditis

Freddie(A Certified God)

I think it would be double jeopardy, but I’m not sure. It’s a pretty bizarre situation.

I’m a big fan of the C10 and C110, but the R34 beats the pants off any other modern one (R35 included).

I disagree: top level hillclimb is a close second. F1 is a somewhat more removed 3rd.

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Here’s an old Ferrari with a 2.0L 60° V12. These little 12 cylinders always sound weird to me. Not bad (no healthy V12 sounds bad) just kinda motorcycle-like.

I think that whole thing is recent. Lotus wasn’t able to compete on every front, so they made stripped down racers without amenities. But if you go back, things are different. Here’s the interior of a 1960 Porsche 356:

“You can’t see me” is a big part of his schtick. It was even the name of his rap album.

It’s really only 19 if you only have 7 people, so it edges out the Super Duty. At full capacity, it’s a paltry 2.125 CH/person.

Those look pretty big. I’ll bet they can each fit a 64oz big gulp. That makes 9.5 gallons.

My first car still had an ashtray. It was about the size of my thumb. No way was any trash of any size fitting in there.

You’re allowed to keep those in your wallet? I have to wear my DoE badge at all times on site. But yeah, same principle.

That’s max combustion pressure. 140psi is before the cylinder starts compression. If the compression ratio is similar to the stock motor, then the pressure is almost 2300psi before ignition. I think typical boost pressure in these is 30 psi, giving about 480 at max compression. Assuming post combustion scales