Hank Scorpio

6k lbs tow cap according to their website.

6k lbs tow cap according to their website.

Everybody. Everybody thought this was going to be a good idea.

Check out prosolo: a short drag strip as an entry to an autoX course.

Poetry right here.

I went from an old Civic (120ish) to an STI (300ish) last year. It was a big transition, but never felt like too much. I think 300 is about the limit for that: I’ve tried out 400+ hp cars and those definitely felt like the sort I’d get in trouble with if I wasn’t careful.

One of these has 800cc/cylinder, the other 500. I’ll bet you the 800cc is what 90% of us would choose.

Agreed on all points.

Space laser? Man, Musk is old school.

It’s not new and people aren’t just now starting to talk about it. What’s new is that it’s obvious EVs are starting to be a ‘thing’ and they use massively more battery than personal electronics, so the economics and logistics of mass battery recycling are finally beginning to get worked out for real.

I bought a used STI 18 months ago for $23k. I’ve put 30k miles on it and it’s still probably worth $22k. Not that I have any plans to sell it: it’s an amazing combination of fun and practical.

Buying cars, it sounds like.

It sounds like they tried to do it quietly, but he didn’t cooperate so now they’re doing it out in the open.

There is almost certainly a buyback clause: if you decide you need to get rid of it before those two years are up, Ford has right of first refusal. That prevents you from selling at a profit and allows them to send it to someone on their waiting list.

Report them.

Found my name, from my home state but a city I’ve never lived in. Fortunately, it was an impassioned, well reasoned plea in favor of net neutrality, so I don’t need to hunt down and kill my twin.