Hank Scorpio

Only if you have a sincerely held religious belief. Then you can put your religion ahead of others’ health and safety.

I would love to rely on public transit. Unfortunately, if you live in the US and outside one of a few cities in the country, it’s somewhere between impractical and impossible.

I agree. With a good setup, the only thing iRacing is missing is the feeling of acceleration. Unfortunately, that’s a huge part of the visceral feeling of driving, and it’s physically impossible to replicate.

I’m sure tracks will still be around. You’ll just have to get there some other way.


It is in our nature to fear what we don’t know

I have a question for you: did you have to try to come up with a response that stupid or did it come naturally? Five seconds of thought should be enough to see why your idiotic statement isn’t even remotely equivalent to what he’s saying.

AWD would ruin the point of the BRZ. You just need snow tires.

That’s exactly what it’s supposed to look like. An Outback is fun! It’s what you took on that camping road trip where you got lost and those hippies helped you figure out how to get home. It’s what you and your now wife took when you went skiing and you pulled that guy out of the ditch. Now you’ve got two kids and

*19 cup.

I don’t think lesbians drink La Croix.

While your choice was my personal choice, I think a Forester XT fits this guy’s bill better: more space, way more understated (new ones don’t even have the scoop), but with almost as much power and the same Symm-AWD as the WRX (the STI’s is a little different).

Likewise Germany, which also has a mild climate. I have a friend who moved here in January and for a long time he was just amazed that this little economy car he bought (Mk5 Golf) had A/C. Then summer hit.

Not yet, no. Shell (the oil company) has a plan to start installing chargers which can do it in 7 minutes at stations in Europe, where they own the stores.

Take that AWD wagon and lift it 2-3". Now it’s in the Outback’s market segment. Subaru can’t keep those on lots, and GM seems to be betting they can do the same with the Regal TourX.

something that’s still not common in the US I understand

Might consider switching to an air-oil separator: does the same job as a catch can, but drains back to the pan so you don’t have to empty it. I put one in my Subaru last summer, and it’s amazing what a difference it’s made.

The Accord probably won’t torque steer you into a wall either: Honda has made some sort of pact with dark spirits to eliminate torque steer. As anyone who’s ever driven a MS3 will tell you, Mazda definitely has not.

Hell, they can even make it cost more to order it that way

I guess, like say, IT, women haven’t been attracted to a traditionally male sport? (IT is not a sport, nor am I saying it is - it’s just my field, and I rarely see women in it despite being a consultant for over 10 years and see a LOT of IT departments)