Hank Scorpio

Actually, it means neither: higher grossing means they had a money maker, nothing more, nothing less. I remember business news commentary from the time stating that people were seeing Titanic multiple times in theaters, which was the main driver for ticket sales. On top of that, ticket prices were 25% higher in 99

The Abyss, Aliens and one of the two Terminators (Probably Judgment Day) are the top 3

These are not either-or things: a quick search for “bacon pumpkin pie” yields two pages of results. As much as I like bacon, it really shines when it’s used as an enhancer to something else, so this is probably the way to go.

A pumpkin is a squash, and the FDA doesn’t require that you make a distinction. Because other squash is cheaper and almost no one can actually tell the difference in this context, the vast majority of canned pumpkin is not actually pumpkin but some other variety of squash.

If you do the turkey the most superior way, it’s only going into the oven to brown. But stuffing, dressing, inside, outside... whatever you want to call it, it’s delicious.

Agreed, though salting is better than brining.

It does.

Is he aware that he’ll be waiting almost a decade for this?

“Hugh Jackman, singing, in a top hat and tails? No!”

That’s the C8 (supposedly).

I don’t know about the K20C1 in the CTR, but the EJ257 in the STI is semi-closed. The EJ205 (from the 02-05 WRX) was open deck, but those have incredibly thick cylinder walls to compensate. They’re also the engines which give Subaru a bad reputation for head gaskets — the problem isn’t nearly as bad in the

the “rough” estimate appears to be 240ish cars total, most being 2016 model years.....

Head gaskets on an EJ aren’t that big a deal to fix. It’s expensive in a shop because they’ll do it as an engine-out service, but it’s not that hard to do at home. A fully dressed EJ255 only weighs about 250lbs, so you might not even need an engine hoist!

The steering rack is better on the I6 E39, so you’re better off doing an engine swap in a 525 or 528 than a trans swap in a 540. I gather that’s also not much work.

Despite the price tag and what VAG and the owners want to believe, an Audi just doesn’t have the cachet with wider audiences that a BMW does. That might actually make it more snobby, but if you’re worried about image in that way, it’s the right decision.

NASA always has a lot of pie in the sky, moonshot, or even pseudoscientific projects going on in the background. The idea is to have their hands in anything and everything which might be relevant if it does pan out, but they don’t put much money into them.

The battery weight can be overcome with a sufficiently efficient and powerful engine or using a different battery tech.

Getting lift from wings instead of directly from the rotors gains you something like a factor of 4-6 in energy efficiency (I’m guessing from looking at similar sized planes and helicopters, but it’s close). If an extended use VTOL electric aircraft is going to have a prayer of getting off the ground (*haha*) it’s

At least in the US, there are issues with that kind of option. You can, however, do it yourself.