Hank Scorpio

Lockheed builds them, but there are all kinds of weird rules about things built under government contracts.

That’s a huge gamble: you can lose your trademark if you don’t defend it for that long.

Furry conventions are actually pretty PG to begin with, at least during the day. No, I’m not a furry. Yes, I have direct experience.

I’m ashamed to say that for about an 18 month period of my adult life, I loved Sesame Street. 

It’s probably because HBO owns them now. No, really.

I don’t think she’s claiming it’s revolutionary.

Yeah, but you’re Dutch, which as far as I can tell means you’re from the least judgy group of people on Earth.

Where else can you wear sweatpants in public while eating pizza and drinking beer at 7am without anybody judging you?!?

By what definition do these have low depreciation? I’m looking at prices right now, and I could get a 2016 GTR Premium with 10k miles at a base Mustang GT’s MSRP discount over a new one.

We use a different scale to rate it. Your 98 is like 93 (premium) here. Your 91 is like our 87, which is the usual standard grade.

Compared with 2-doors, which are basically dead?

RON 98 octane fuel which you’re not going to find at too many gas stations

“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The

When I was in grad school, that was the town’s solution to the problem of deer overpopulation in the municipal parks. It’s different where I live now: people can use shotguns in their yards here.

Ask the AMA: their decades-long opposition to nationalized healthcare is one of the primary reasons we didn’t adopt it when Europe did.

A pomeranian goose weighs about 25 lbs. A cat who’s willing to go after that is probably in for a surprise.

I think man birds can make good pets (parrots are awesome) but geese are assholes so I still don’t really get that bit. Whatever. Look at the goslings!!