Hank Scorpio

a million dollar mortgage is intended for a luxury purchase

Pick one or more of the following:

That’s awesome! She should do the Barkley Marathon next. I don’t think a woman has ever finished.

“For me, it was kind of a challenge if I could ever do it,”

Hey, rat milk is still milk! Even if Mayor Quimby was promised dog or better doesn’t mean this isn’t just as good.

Average height for an adult American man is 5'10", with a standard deviation of about 2". It’s about an inch shorter for men in their 50s (because successive generations tend to get taller).

Don’t give me any crap about “not buying a Jeep for fuel economy”, now. When your fuel consumption rate is low, every incremental mpg gain is a significant percentage-increase in efficiency

The one in the red shirt appears shorter than i would have expected

Hmm... it’s nigh incomprehensible if you don’t speak chav. On the other hand, it might disabuse Americans of the notion that all Brits are classy BBC anchors.

Barring actual cognitive issues like dementia

I have a friend who sells JamBerry. I think they’re basically stickers that go on your nails. Every time she posts about it on FB, I want to scream at her to get out. She seems happy though (whether or not she’s actually making any money, which I’m not sure of) and I think it’s significantly less of an investment than

More like an inoculation: he made the immune system more sensitive and made it fight back.

EDIT: whoops! Zabella posted a video of the same thing. I’ll just leave this anyway...

*straight, cisgender, white males

The money doesn’t work: I think the US produces about 3x as much oil & gas as Norway, but we have about 60x the population. Not saying it’s a bad idea, but it wouldn’t be able to fund all those things by itself over here.

What WOULD encourage people to have more kids (even me), is putting that money towards free child care, better schooling options, mandatory maternity and paternity leave, and free university.

The Homer was designed to be the ‘everyman’ car, with that Super-Slaker sized cupholder, and three horns that all play La Cucaracha. It’s also got features only relevant if you’re a parent driving your kid around — a separate soundproof bubble, with optional restraints and muzzles. There’s no way anything Drumpf