Hank Scorpio

People do this everywhere.

Even if there are 3 or more lanes, stay to the right, not the middle.

If you’ve gotta go to Texas, that’s the place to shoot for.

How can you possibly be constricted by an NDA from reporting criminal behavior?

They were only released about two weeks ago, so even if they’re gonna sell like gangbusters I wouldn’t expect to see a lot of them yet.


Yes, but volume 2 was published in 2002. He’s done a few things since then.

those aren’t decent people you want to associate with.

Your profile icon is amazing.

It’s from She’s Gotta Have It.

I’ve watched every episode except the finale, because I’m pretty sure I know what’s coming. I should probably finish it before it leaves Netflix, I guess...

Whenever you have someone IN YOUR CUSTODY, consent lines are blurry.

*ahem* Comme ça?

The problem was he didn’t sing it in French. Tout le mode dance maintenant just doesn’t have the same ring to it...

Oooh... I like this! Are we including militia groups in the US? Otherwise, it’s gonna be a competition between various African and Middle Eastern Technicals. I just don’t think the FARQ or Tamil Tigers can compete with that.

Basically the entire point of getting the EPA scientists there would be nullified because they can’t say anything as EPA scientists.

Yes, exactly. I work for a DoE lab, and I’m supposed to tell them everything I’m going to present. They actively want me to be showing off what I’m doing so it’s never an issue, but they could stop me if they wanted.