Hank Scorpio

I really liked REI’s statement last year. “We will be closed. The National Parks won’t be. Go outside, dammit!”

I mean... it’s a pagan holiday, right? Maybe she was a druid.

Some of my English friends tell me that turkey is now more common than goose for Christmas dinner over there. As a fan of eating turkey, I’m happy about this. As someone who hates geese, I’m conflicted.

Also ableist and anti-intellectual. It runs the gamut!

It is not patriarchal to ask good men to stand up for women instead of standing up for bad men. The sad fact of the matter is that men hold most of the power still in many professional industries

Isn’t cucking when another guy sleeps with your wife? Not really gay so much as emasculating.

See? Santa’s whiteness really was the same as Jesus’s! They were both brown Middle Easterners.

Someone reaching over and killing the engine.

How about if someone cheats, some kind of non-rule limited super car comes out and has like 3-5 laps to do a pit maneuver? They could power it with a 6L, nitro fueled, KERS augmented, twin-turbo V12, then add on every dirty trick that’s been outlawed over the decades, just to show people what F1 cars would be like

If you examine the members of the Russell 1000 index [a stock market index] of large American firms, only 25 of them, or 3.3%, lost over $1bn of free cashflow in 2016

And then there is the four wheel drive version, as if it was a grand touring muscle car?

Money’s not the only problem. Teaching just isn’t considered a valued profession in our society. That’s why pay is low (that and it’s considered “women’s work”) but they’re semi-independent things. There are crazy rich towns out there which pay their teachers ludicrous salaries (six figures, in places where that means

White Millennials voted heavily for Trump

They want to make people here angry; they’re trying to get under your skin. Ignore them, dismiss, and move on.

The championship shouldn’t be fundamentally different from the regular races. I’m all in favor of using a track layout like this, but it should be used during the season, not just in the championship. This is like if the rules for the Super Bowl were fundamentally different from those in regular season games, just to