Hank Scorpio

For a year in grad school, I lived with a married couple. At some point, he went on a three week class trip to China. She/they knew this was going to be hard on her, and had made fairly detailed mental health arrangements with me, the 4th roommate, and my GF at the time (who was close with her). It didn’t work: a few

I am reminded of a story about my great-grandma. When my grandfather was growing up in Brooklyn, she wouldn’t let two of his brothers go camping because she was scared of the wild animals. They wanted to go camping in Queens.

This is how you can tell these are first generation NY’ers.

All the Harbor Freights in my area are closing. I am hoping Northern Tool will move into those locations.

This is gonna go for $20M+. The ~$100k it’s gonna cost to get it running is incidental.

5th gear last week.

If you do any sort of interviewing seminar, whether to the press or to HR people in a job situation, they always tell you to do this. It’s obviously better to have an actual answer, but having the humility and self knowledge/understanding to just say, “Good question, I will find out for you” is much better than some

I think I read somewhere that a large majority of cat owners didn’t set out to be cat owners. The cats walked in and decided they lived there. That’s what happened to me.

Personally, I don’t care about breeds. Dog is dog, cat is cat. That said, as others have mentioned, the process of getting a dog from a legit breeder is intense, and animals from those places rarely end up in shelters. Most of those unwanted/euthanized animals are from mills and backyard breeders, and this is going to

There’s a group in Texas that does that. They find enough adopting families in an area to have a big trailer of animals, then meet everyone all at once for pickup. The videos of 50+ rescue animals meeting their forever families all at once are amazing!

My cat was a kitten who wandered in off the street and decided he lived with me. “Great! Free cat!” I thought. Then I took him to the vet for shots, neutering, etc. The fee from the shelter for an animal which had all that done already would’ve been a bargain by comparison.

If you’re not scared of it, the onboard computer makes doing your own maintenance easier, not harder. Hear a weird noise? Check the code. Not sure what’s going on between 3500 and 4000 rpm? Log it while you drive. And it’s easier than ever to read that stuff: assuming you have a smartphone, you can get a dongle and

Yeap. I was thinking about this in the last couple years, as I’ve reimmersed myself in car culture. The basic physics of internal combustion and heat engines has been known for over a century, and fuels have not changed significantly since the introduction of unleaded gas, so what’s the difference? Computers

Absolutely this.

I think he’s been doing the $1M for dirt thing since the 70s.


OMG! That’s why he’s tightening visa restrictions all over the place!