Hank Scorpio

He was on the radio on Friday. I almost started crying. Profusive swearing ensued instead.

Oh, wow... this is the best.

Which one?

He seems to at least vaguely know what’s going on on NBC.


If that were really true, I wouldn’t be repeatedly passing then passed by the same car(s) while I have my cruise set on the highway.

I think the problem is late model Bentley owners probably tend not to buy used parts.

This was an entry in the Illinois Gambler 500. Same basic idea.

Is that where some local racer puts the defeated cars of his enemies?

Huh... I’d noticed and wondered about those guard rail heads before. It always seemed weird that you’d have a flat end on the rail. Now I know, and it’s pretty cool!

New FXT is auto only. Much cushier inside too.

Bugeyes are getting on in years. May want to go with a blob or hawk. Unless you want him to learn to fix it himself, in which case I concur.

One more to add: waterproof interior with a drain plug.

Cupholder finally seem significantly bigger for Big Gulp

Especially since you’ll (finally) be able to get it with a diesel in the US.

I’ll bet they storm off to their trailers a lot, but that’s probably nothing new.

That’s why in the art / media world people talk about the difference between a great idea and execution. There’s millions of great ideas floating out there, but a very small amount of those people with the ideas can actually execute it.

So we can sell the video to TMZ?

An appetizing place to drive a convertible is in towns on streets where there are restaurants