Hank Scorpio

It will be perfect as long as it’s not raining.

It’s one of the most expensive places to live in the US, if that makes you feel better. You could live in a major city on the mainland, vacation there twice a year, and still come out ahead.

Better question: why isn’t that Impala a three on the tree?

I swapped cars with a friend who’s got a Boxster a few weeks ago while his family was in town. I’d been in convertibles plenty, but never really driven one around before that. This was one of the coolest things, and actually had me taking the top down more than I’d expected.

It’s related to both the LS and GS, but they’re not just rebadges.

Seeing this thing again makes me want to build a car body out of 80/20. Just think of all the easy mount-points. You think a roof rack gives you options for attaching extras? Imagine being able to attach whatever you want to every surface!

FedEx has wrecked so many GD packages I’ve shipped or received. I’m sure USPS has destroyed some too, but I can’t think of one off the top of my head.

I think you may want a different FCA product.

No but seriously: there’s a lot of options for $150k. That’s AMG GT S territory, but not as fast and with Italian reliability. Tell us what it is about this thing that makes it superior to its competition.

But the British, eager to appease Myanmar’s Buddhist majority, decreed that the Rohingya areas would become part of newly independent Myanmar

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Probably not. People like Weinstein are true psychopaths, in the clinical/psychological sense of the word. The best understanding of that phenomenon is that it’s inbuilt. There’s some (lack of) social programming aspect to it, but it’s also largely a result of a difference in how the brain is wired at a basic level.

I wish there were an alternative to FB, Twitter, and Google

it almost a little feels like that other story that came across my feed about Lou Holtz saying he has also been unfairly stopped by police, so he doesn’t get why black guys are pissed

I really want the end of this story to be that you threw a coffee cup at a flasher’s junk. Especially if it was full of hot coffee.

I feel like we could come up with a whole list of commandments that follow this simple structure

You looked like an evil, heartless old man in college?