Hank Scorpio

I know a high up executive at American Airlines who drives a pre-rebrand Genesis. No shit at all. Hyundai doesn’t have the image it used to.

I hate these. One of them always wins my class in autoX. It’s embarrassing for all of us in S2000s, STIs, RSs, etc to get schooled by a full size luxury sedan driven by a 50 year old businessman.

He means that a cheap used McLaren only goes for 60% more than what it cost new instead of 100% more.

Because then you have to wait for it to arrive since your Learjet gets there faster.

Is it weird that this is two articles down?

Back in grad school, I either biked or took the bus most places, so I put very few miles on my car. At one point, I realized it hadn’t had an oil change in over a year. That’s when I switched to calendar.

Every 3000 miles or every 3 months. You risk spontaneous combustion if you don’t keep up with that.

Reminds me of that other untouched Ford from a couple months back.


Probably too late this year (it starts tomorrow) but Kristen and Stef should definitely be a team next year! (I’m assuming Alanis is busy with school)

It also doesn’t hurt that the guy whose blood they were trying to forcibly draw was an off-duty cop. The head of his dept wrote an open letter supporting Wubbels and demanding an investigation.

The community with whom the relationship is typically ruined isn’t one they care to effectively police: black, latinx, and/or poor.

The same is true of scientists & academics: the period when you’re spending 12-16 hours a day doing research, writing papers, going to symposia, and fighting for tenure generally coincides with when people tend to start having kids. This ends up being less of an issue for men for exactly the same reason as it does for

I’m an adult man in a co-ed hockey league. The best player on my team is a woman. I’m worried the league is going to make her go up a division next season.

Aside from him being a state rep not a congressional one, people’s perception of their congressperson is generally quite high. It’s the body as a whole which gets the low ratings.

She’s 20 years younger than my mother, but looks like she could be my grandma.

My preferred way of learning the tech in my car is just to press every button and see what happens.

These are going to be tested up the road from me (I work at a DoE site near a very large, government run power company). I’m excited to see how it goes.