Hank Scorpio

To be perfectly clear: It’s always safer to drive when you’re not stoned, Hansen said.

I had a friend in grad school who... well, he smoked a lot. Anyway, he lived next door, so he’d often just drop by. This one time, he came over and started about something I couldn’t understand at first. I asked if he was high, and he stopped, thought for a minute, then said he wasn’t sure I’d ever seen him when he

You’re limited to 5000 miles/year on those leases, and there are some fees involved. You’d have to drive 140k miles to make up the difference, but this program also lets you switch cars whenever you want. Daily a Boxster S but decide you want more cargo room for a trip? Go swap it for a Macan S for a week.

The same company makes some of them. Others are converted Nissan NV200s.

People are working on that, but the problem is the last step: you have to take the mail from the truck and put it in the boxes, which are far from standardized and often not on the street. Having an autonomous vehicle drive a postal worker around to the various neighborhoods isn’t saving you a lot.

If that’s a 6, I should have women (and men) beating down my door.

The same way people somehow put an “only” at the front of “black lives matter”: willful misreading to make it seem like you’re saying something you’re not.

I don’t know what’s going on there, and I don’t think I care. That’s amazing!


I’ve spent a lot of time in Ithaca and Rochester without ever hearing this.

Not just how much better they are than the coasts: also how much better they think they are than any other midwestern state. Oh, sorry... they want to rebrand as “the north” now for some reason.

I had a good friend in college who I had almost this exact interaction with. What was odd was he was from outside LA.

Never heard this term before, but I like it. Since I do not have a word for that area, I will now try to use yours.

Aren’t you just a few weeks away from needing another winter beater? This seems like it’s in better shape than last year’s.

I run Jalopnik, most of them are afraid of me.

Is Pirate Bay still around?

I’ve heard a GTR described as “a 4000lb Playstation”, but this is taking it a bit far.