Hank Scorpio

Once they become mothers they can’t see them as anything other than brood mares/babysitters/maids.

I only live 90 minutes from Asheville, and this is the first I’m hearing about it. That’s how little play this is getting.

I don’t have anything constructive to add, but I want to say that I love your username.

E34 5 series

This is the last year they’re making cars. After 2017, they will all be re-badged Chevys.

Well, in the case of muscular or human-powered vessels, there can be far many more numbers of people in the vessel

I still don’t like most of his positions, but I have to say: I like Corker more now that he’s decided not running for reelection means he can say/do whatever TF he wants.

Putting duel power-snails on a straight-six Supra isn’t a new thing; maniacs have been doing it for a while.

I have wanted an E39 M5 for a few years. Part of the reason is it may be the last generation of BMW where the statement “if you can’t afford it new, you can’t afford it used” doesn’t really apply. If these things are kept right, they’ll drive to hell and back.

Wow... that’s gorgeous. Probably worth more as a way to attract attention to the dealer than it would be if they actually sold it and then had to deal with customer complaints!

I pressed the wrong button at the pump earlier today, and then the screen started showing some sort of message from the Underworld which involved exponents and symbols I couldn’t name. That should not be possible when you’re trying to back out after selecting the wrong rewards program.

An A320 is clearly not an ideal icecross entry.

On prop planes, they rotate the blades so they push the air forward instead of back. That doesn’t work so well with a jet.

Great... now I’ve gotta dig through 15 year old CD backups and see if I have this somewhere. Right after I find my optical drive and see if it still works.

The Pajero Evo hasn’t been built since 1999. If this thing ends up as a body on frame off-roader capable of anything more challenging than a gravel driveway, I’ll eat my hat.

I’m gonna be perfectly honest: until this moment, I thought they had. You’re right.

Back when Vin Diesel was hot shit, he swore off all sequels. He was an actorrrrr!

I assume modern DCTs and other semi-automatic transmissions have worked this out?

Just gotta cook it right.