Hank Scorpio

Now that I’m well past the age where my Perkins habit likely shaved a few years off my life, I’m curious where it falls in this category in general?

Did 3 get sick and die after eating at a salad bar?

It’s also $500 at purchase, which often means rolling shell with a blown motor and/or trans, especially if you want something more interesting than a run down economy car. Figure another $500+ just to get it running again. More if you have to pay someone to do the work, buy any significant tools, or rent space to

Then have a battle royale over who does the write-up for the article.

Not just SoCal. When I lived in IL, I worked with a grad student who’d grown up in the San Jose area. He was properly ashamed of his lack of geographic knowledge east of the Sierra Nevadas. On the other hand, his friends from home kept asking him how things were going in Michigan.

Now I want a periscope in my Gambler rig.

Or a diesel one? That’s something they sell in other places, but apparently Americans don’t want torque in their off-roaders.

The M29 wasn’t developed until the late 50s. Also, that’s more like mobile artillery.

17 hours is longer than it takes to go from NY to Hong Kong. NY to London is less than seven on a conventional plane, and that was the problem: you were only saving about three hours for that quintupling in price. If they’d flown to Asia, it would’ve been a much bigger time saving, which would’ve been worth the

That Airstream you posted has the king of back doors.

I recently shopped a tow rig for a fully equipped Airstream Classic with a shitload of gear permanently mounted inside. Even with the biggest trailer and all the crap we’re throwing inside, a 3/4-ton with the right towing package will comfortably do the job.

I know a guy who owns a routing business. He has to haul these huge drilling rigs all over town, so naturally he needs a bigass pickup. He got an F-450, but he basically never drives it anywhere else. His daily is an F-250, and it’s a better vehicle in every way other than max GVWR. He even avoids taking the F-450 if

I have a bunch of German friends. As far as I can tell, they come in two types: the ones who acclimate beautifully, and the ones who really just want to go back. My most reliable “lets do stupid car shit” and/or “redneck golf” buddy right now is one of the former.

Yep: we want their junk, they want ours. I have a German friend who was telling me his first car was a Peugeot 205. When I started telling him how jealous I was, he looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

It’s a better comparison in some ways, but a G-Class starts at $122k. By that measure, this thing is a bargain!

We should have a Jalop HOA where you’re required to have some half-built project car in your driveway at all times. If you’re not in compliance, the penalty is having to host someone else’s until you get one.

I’ve watched it as an adult. Other than the special effects, it holds up pretty damn well.