Hank Scorpio

This seems like a hard segment to break into: you have to convince tinpot dictators to buy it in order to get the cachet. Where your idea might work is with the “self made” jillionaires who want to maintain their “down home” image. That’s probably a more limited market though. Most people will be satisfied with a GC.

Can’t have both the winter package and performance seats? Hard pass!

Aren’t people typically told when they’re allowed to go back after evacuating? Just have to stagger that.

Unfortunately, sponsorship in NASCAR that is something that is becoming hard to find.

his current wife

I moved to a very red state two years ago, after always living in blue or blueish-purple ones. I thought I’d adjust better, but I haven’t. It’s not just the redness, but that’s definitely not helping, and it’s gotten worse (at least for me) since the election. I’m not even in remotely the worst part of the state,

:( Here.

I don’t think these are mutually exclusive.

I really want to know what’s going on in that second gif.

Didn’t these kids get stiffed? Seems unlikely they’ll work for him again.

Every manufacturer of finished goods is assembling parts from suppliers. Tesla is not an exception: they buy parts from more than 300 other companies.

Also economy of scale & waste heat capture. Plus you can put scrubbers & CO2 capture on a power plant, since you don’t care about weight.

Can’t roll coal.

I can’t find a guide where he looked at any Shun knife. Do you have a link?

Oh my sweet summer child.

Taking a vehicle out of its element is usually fun.

This one? Because the very first thing he says is that courts have generally said it’s an admission of guilt. The rest of the article is all about what legal wrangling would be required in order for it to not be considered one.

I’m not even sure how much it matters if he’s the nominee: Flake, Webb, and Arpaio in a three-way primary would be so goddamn divisive that it would weaken all of them.

I’d guess all that equipment uses up most of the GVWR, just like with the RV.