Hank Scorpio

The ‘99 Charger concept was a 4-door and is still a knockout car. So yes, I could care less about the modern Charger’s 4 doors

They then proceed to drive their performance cars at 55 in the right hand lane because they are worried about their range. In this regard, I believe they are worse than Prius drivers.

He’s also a frequent guest on Here and Now, as the conservative in a pair of black commentators. His line of “thinking” is so terrible that when I hear him come on, it’s a hard choice between wanting to hear the woman they get to oppose him tear him apart (she’s great, even though I can’t remember her name) and not

$750M would buy a lot of LeMons/Chumpcar type vehicles. Just sayin’.

Not that there’s anything wrong with them, but a Raptor sounds so... low class for the buyer of a $200k 911. It just seems out of place. If you’ve got oodles of money and you’re a Porsche Bro, a Cayenne Turbo seems like a better choice. If you just want a luxutruck for towing, a G65 AMG or Bentley Bentayga is hard to

3: A Koenigsegg? We’re talking about a truly astonishing amount of money, which deserves an equally astonishing price tag. Even the Agera Final — which has the RS’s chassis and the One:1's engine, and which they will only build three of — is slated to have a price tag around $5M. Even assuming the winner takes the

Caveat: I haven’t lived in NYC since 2004. That said, I can’t imagine this has changed much, and almost certainly not for the better.

I wonder if one of those junkers or that IBM keyboard is worth more these days?

Figured it out:

The truck can at least be excused because of the Chicken Tax. Spot on as far as the rest goes, especially the other CUVs/SUVs. A Brazilian friend of mine in grad school once commented how noticeable it is that VW basically doesn’t exist here, and I think the only people I know with (modern/mainstream) VAG products

The plot was transparent and paper thin, but the CGI was amazing. I saw it in 3D IMAX, which was pretty incredible. Later, I saw part of it on a nice HDTV setup and thought they were from an xBox game. I might see one of the sequels (again in IMAX) just to see how far visual effects will have come. If you’re not an

Cars are typically cheaper in the US than in most other countries, including Korea. A base Genesis G80 costs $42k in the US, and the equivalent of $55k in Korea. Is there a reason you think this will buck that trend?

There is a chain of car repair places in my area called Knoxville Kar Kare. I have been trying to figure out if it’s just really poorly thought out alliteration or something actually sinister. Since I’m in the South, it could really be either.

Because if Gal Gadot (or another woman) is Bond you know the alt right gamergate trolls are never going to be able to be satisfied and just ruin the entire experience.

Every clip I’ve seen from Torque looks like it comes from one of those Swedish action movie parodies. Someday I need to sit down and watch the whole thing.

You can see a bunch of that stuff in Super Size Me. Some of it is... weird.

Now playing

Waffle House. I’m still not sure how they make them so damn bland.

That watch looks like something you’d need if you were in command of a submarine, or a spaceship.