Hank Scorpio
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Ferrari has made some ridiculously small engines. I am particularly fond of the 1.5L V12. Each cylinder is about 1/3 the volume of a soda can!

My understanding is that’s similar but not identical: “stated cash value” policies depreciate over time, while “agreed cash value” ones don’t. I figure a fixed up classic car has pretty much lost all its gonna lose to depreciation, but the insurance company could try to say it’s still losing value so they don’t have

I think they knew if they did that, people would’ve bought the Si and tuned it up instead of buying a CTR. The Accord isn’t in the same segment, so less of an issue.

The Si has a higher capacity turbo, a tune, and presumably stronger internals to deal with more peak boost, but it runs the same basic engine as the other turbo Civics except the CTR: L15B7.

I wouldn’t drive a GTI unless it were free. I mean entirely free, like, not just the car, but fuel, insurance and maintenance covered too. Basically, a company car. That’s the only way.

Tell your insurance company you want what’s called an “agreed cash value” policy. Unless that’s already what you’re doing, in which case tell them you’ll walk if they don’t increase it.

I wanted to go to Ikea last time I was up there. “It’s in Red Hook? Why would your typical Ikea customer be willing to be seen in Red Hook?” Holy shit, that neighborhood is not what it used to be.

I would hope ninjas would be accurate, especially when they use their swords to prop the hood open!

Nice username. Poor, neglected dodecahedron...

The Accord is technically midsize, but cars have gotten so much bigger that that’s as big as a full size used to be (and full size sedans are real boats).

Knowing Toyota, the Camry will waste all its extra power by shifting late and slowly.

My parents bought a new Civic when I was 15. They insisted on a manual, so the dealer found one in the next state over and had it shipped. It added maybe a couple hundred bucks to the cost and we had to wait a week instead of driving it off the lot, but the dealer didn’t seem to care about the extra effort.

I walked by a really big BMW sedan yesterday. “Did one of my neighbors just get a 7?” Nope: 5.

The good news is your gramma probably learned to drive back when standard was, well, standard. She can get the 3-pedal and relive her youth!

This massive attempt at rejuvenating coal just got killed.

Double fault: an LS isn’t a diesel. Unless you’ve changed that, in which case I don’t care what color it is!

Pretty sure I’ve seen that video! Since we weren’t trying to punish anyone, we did have palatability in mind. I tried the stuff we made: it was kinda bland, but not bad. Would’ve made a decent side dish (though that would defeat the purpose).

Same thought, but it’s ok: they’re actually hagfish.

Portland is one of the least racially diverse major cities in the US, and has an extensive racist history. It’s like the West Coast’s Boston.