Hank Scorpio

It’s funny, cuz this ain’t suburbia. Here’s what that area looks like.

I thought it was generally accepted that Jesus rode dinosaurs, not that he was one?

Well... my current neighbors make beer, like to invite everyone over for cookouts, and let me play with their dog. My old neighbor was a very nice, very polite, hugely gregarious pot dealer who’d invite me over to play boardgames (and later his oddly mild-mannered girlfriend, who I introduced him to). Before that, a

You’d prefer they work on them all night?

Y’know what? I am usually full of righteous fury, but given that Mr. Williams has been forgiving of their behavior and he’s the one injured by this, I don’t feel like I can wish them any real ill, especially since he finally won in the end. All I hope is they finally move away and he gets new, friendlier neighbors. In

What’s wrong with a dildo fence?

Why would you care as long as the neighbor isn’t making excessive noise or causing excessive traffic? The cops, the county, and the courts found no evidence he was doing either.

That’s particularly funny if you’ve read all the background articles: they bought the land their house is on from him!

I don’t think Suzuki sells any cars in the US anymore. Their website only discusses parts and warranty service.

2018 has been updated from the 2015-2017. I haven’t sat in one yet but it’s supposed to be nicer.

I’m actually kinda surprised they use the Sound at all. I was always told one of the big strategic advantages the US had over the USSR was a lot of open coastline. They had to put their subs out from Leningrad or Vladivostok, and since neither is an open water port, there was a choke point where we could park SSNs to

You can’t do regenerative braking with traditional fuel cells. You need a hybrid system with a battery. I don’t know if that’s what they plan to do. Long haul trucks shouldn’t be accelerating and decelerating much, so there might not be much advantage unless it’s going through a hilly region.

It’s not worth doing. Math follows.

I asked someone this once. I was told it’s because it’s heavier than direct drive diesel, and trucks have tighter weight restrictions than trains.

They make components here, but Y-12 isn’t a storage facility (not an acknowledged one, anyway).

Aren’t SSBNs typically off in deep water somewhere? Why park them near our own coast?

to wherever they needed to take it to make Much Worse Things

Do they still make these? I thought Mazda had given up in favor of the CX-9.