Hank Scorpio

Want to know how I know we’d get along?

I meant that they are almost certainly going to be cross-shopped. The Bolt is taller, but it’s still roughly the same size as a GTI. It’s a “compact crossover”, which is essentially just a lifted hatchback. It also doesn’t cost that much more after tax breaks. Anyone who cares about high performance driving is going

Does Porsche sell a special tool for the 944? A friend of mine just bought a used Boxster, and we discovered they suggest a special model-specific wrench for removing the filter housing.

Rust kills ‘em. RIP my old Civic. :(

There’s a bunch of old, very desirable JDM cars that are becoming US legal, with more to come in the next few years. The thing preventing me from getting one is the realization that I never want to drive a RHD car on a road over here! Maybe once I have space for a track-only toy.

Not mine. Needs some work, but doesn’t look too bad. Price is certainly right.

Probably because Germans like to order cars while Americans like to buy them off the lot. I have a German friend who works in the US. He custom ordered his Focus, and the dealer had to figure out how to do it!

If they’re gonna use old design language, they should go back to the late 90s (or earlier) when we all thought they were great looking. Classic/retro look is pretty in right now.

Most people I know with GTIs have them because they wanted a Golf with a little more zip. It’s much more civilized than some of its competitors (WRX, FoST) which are primarily purchased by enthusiasts.

Edit wait they’re all LHD? was the Eclipse ever made RHD?

I’d forgotten all about this. How is it still only at $1k? Shit, I’m tempted to buy it at that price! There’s a guy who autocrosses here with the same vintage Talon. Twincharged, with big injectors, it puts down 600+ at the wheels!


Weight reduction for racing and extra cargo space!

Where does one put three bales of hay in a ‘Vette?

I am happy to hear that I will finally become an adult sometime in the next six months.

Any advice on long-distance, or early dating, or both?

Where have you been postdoccing?

I have had to deal with situations similar to this four times this week in my IRL friend group. Men and women are so bad at communicating our intentions to each other that I am starting to wonder how we’ve managed to survive as a species.

Thought about putting the whole house up for rent and moving somewhere else? I don’t know the housing situation where you are, but where I am the rent you’d collect on a whole house would easily pay for rent on a 1-2br apt and still leave you with extra, even if you left it up to a rental agency to deal with the