Hank Scorpio

Thank god it wasn’t crossposted to Gizmodo or it would be a dumpster fire. That site, minus io9 has some of the WORST bros.

I think they’re Aussies.

Hm... so whisk(e)y radically changes when you add a small amount of ice or water. Wonder if there are wines for which that is true too?

Bozozoku could’ve provided help with that dangerously undersized splitter.

They run forever and go like stink. Depending on where you live, how many miles you’re willing to deal with, and what quality you’re looking for, expect to pay anywhere between $10 and 25k.

$20-25k is pretty high. I see them go for $10-15 all the time.

I heard an old episode last fall where a caller had the same issue I’d been having. Her car was from the late 80s. Mine is from 2010. Cars might be more reliable overall, but they really haven’t changed that much.

I say you and Jason pitch a replacement show to NPR. I’d listen.

I was listening to a classic episode last fall, and realized I had the same symptoms as the caller. Turned out I was right and needed exactly the fix they’d suggested.

They’re supposed to be more bitter.

It’s not the same recipe. Offhand: Hydrox never used lard, and the cookies were more bitter.

Yep. I’ve never had them though.

Now I really need to try them...

Kroger. Apparently they’ve been on sale again since 2015, though I hadn’t seen them until this week. I guess the trademark had gone unused long enough that someone picked it up, recreated the recipe, then started selling them again.

I haven’t heard a newer R8, but a lot of people don’t like how V10s sound.

Yeah, I know. I’ve never had them though, cuz I didn’t grow up eating kosher.

Funny that you mentioned how bad the name is...

Or how about importing a foreign car to turn into a race car? If the intent is to never put it on the streets, is that also forbidden?

Close enough?