Hank Scorpio

Corn subsidies make it cheap. Pure ethanol is also really high octane (~115RON) so you can use it as an octane booster: mix 10% ethOH with 90% 84 octane gas and you get fuel which is around 87 octane. (I’m simplifying the math, but that’s the basic idea.) Since both low octane, 84 octane petrol and pure corn ethanol

If the price premium for premium fuel continues to rise people may start making vehicle purchasing decisions based on the fuel grade required.

As far as I can tell, they’re mostly either minor drug charges or trespassing.

That reminds me: I still need to try these.

Some of my friends with kids don’t seem to understand this, and I just don’t get it. Why else would you have kids?

I feel the same way about the ‘ladies’ classes in SCCA. What benefit is it providing to have them separated out? Women are at zero disadvantage in auto racing — maybe even a slight advantage, since they tend to be lighter. Looking at the solo nationals results from last year, the winners of the ‘regular’ classes are

You can stay indefinitely in water that’s at least 80F.

I once saw a whole fleet of police cars come through an intersection from two different directions, sirens blaring and lights flashing. Most people pulled over, but one guy just kept driving. One of the cops stopped and pulled him over. Since I was walking, I got to see him chew the hell out of that guy. That was a

V6 nothin’: current 4-cyl engines are making more than V8s used to. I remember it was a big damn deal that the ‘05 Mustang GT made 300hp from its 4.6L V8.

Busses apparently have an interlock to set the brake when the door opens. If it moved after he got out, something is mechanically wrong with the brakes.

I was curious and looked it up: the Porsche 918 has a crazy high mileage rating. 67MPGe. That’s entirely because it can go 100 miles on electric only. The McLaren P1 gets a similar (but slightly worse) rating as the NSX because its electric only range is much shorter. Given that the NSX can only go a very short

it only does 23 mpg for a hybrid

I agree that the modded & raced ones aren’t future classics, but this particular one is stock and has been driven less than 750 miles per year. That’s less than those collectible supercars we all make fun of for not getting driven. Given that the vast majority have been heavily modified, buying it and keeping it as-is

I think it would be cool to have some electric cars really meant to have a blast in under 50k. Besides the model 3. Swedish electric racing machine!

Sounds like some kinda “blind watchmaker” shit to me.

German supplier Hella, which you mostly know for making sweet hella sweet rally lights

Guess he’s got something in common with his movie counterpart then.