
Oh I get it. I didn't see the pussy on her lap blocking her pussy. I was looking at her titties.

Yeah, most people probably see right through stuff like this, once you get past the hotness.

haha I guess that shows how much I console game now! I guess I remember LOL'ing at an old ad where people wre playing and the console wasn't even plugged in at all.

Because control of 95% of the mined rare-earth metals market does not make the world grovel enough.

Let me guess, they'll find a bunch of girls who hold the controller wrong or not have it plugged in, all while wearing lingerie or a tight fitting footbal jersey. I have cute friends who game, but we grew up with Xbox and I'm pretty sure they're not playing just to get attention.

She is a hottie and she cooks!

I've seen some off roaders that have snorkels on the intake AND exhaust. I guess the mighty Land Cruiser proves that the exhaust one is not really needed?

"Now, like all great plans, my strategy is so simple an idiot could have devised it. On my command all ships will line up and file directly into the alien death cannons, clogging them with wreckage." -Captain Zapp Brannigan

LMAO Pure ironic genius and the greatest ambulance in history! Thanks!

That clip had me spitting out my drink and getting tears in my eyes from laughing! So ridiculous that he ran all the way back after getting to the endzone the first time. I remember playing some Madden game where the ambulance would run everyone over to pick up one injured guy then run everyone over on the way out.

I want to design a game that switches between a first person shooter to third person shooter, to side scrolling beat-em-up (but 3D Final Fight style like SF4) to third person stealth, to Dynasty Warriors style slashing with hundreds of enemies. It can be 8 player co-op. As you go through the levels, you will

This will sell a billion copies based on that name alone!!!

But it will be like Lethal Weapon sequels where Riggs is not quite as angry or suicidal. Maybe call it "Annoyed Birds".

He should be happy they don't call him Zach Randolph.

I see all kinds of elements from Capcom/SNK side scrolling beat-em-ups. Epic.

With my NEX-5N, I compared the 16mm prime vs the 18-55mm in low light and I honestly didn't see any difference in picture quality, other than the wider field of view. I'm no photographer by any stretch of the imagination though. I did like the compactness though.

What about an ice knife? The evidence just evaporates!

Probably not, even if the sex is good as moaning is preferred, and if it's bad, who wants to hear, "I don't feel anything. This seems to be taking forever. I wonder what's on television right now?" A gag would really help in this chick's case LOL JK

All the fitness chains are missing a golden advertising opportunity. Women, experience 20% more orgasms! Men, watch fit women in spandex experience orgasms! Come now!!!

Sex with her must generate quite the narrative.