
Thanks for this article! So funny, I just started cycling and got the Portland Danger Zone light yesterday. For the front I use a Princeton Tec EOS. Before this, I thought bike lights were generators like Bart Simpson's lol

Now playing

It will be quite a sight to see Earth destroyed by the red giant sun. I watched a great video on Netflix, I think "The Universe" (not the YouTube one I linked), that described the Dark and Degenerate Eras. Quite depressing. It is presumed that the last living species will be huddled around a small red dwarf star

As hunter gatherers, we would be getting tons of exercise, eating all natural foods and there wouldn't be time to get obese. Also, the obese wouldn't be able to catch up to their food.

I have the most natural boner right now.

It would be cool if they made a MacBook Air with an iPad as the Retina Display touchscreen. I would run Windows 8 on it too if they'd add support for it with BootCamp.


This is a great, common sense article. I have a Core i5 2500K, and I know I really don't need Ivy Bridge, but I always want the latest stuff, even after reading that it will only be slightly faster. Thanks for talking me down and saving me money! Playstation Vita then? :P

Luckily my GF plays games too so we don't get on each others nerves with slow visual acuity and response times lol

"Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time." - T. S. Eliot

I notice this when someone else is clicking through websites. I can spot the links they want immediately and everyone else is hunting forever. I'm like, "It's right there! WTF?" *Base is under attack* WTF!?! GG

That would be epic.

I got a preview of the box art.

The issue with RAM is that there is just barely enough texture memory to NOT run a full raster 1920x1080 resolution, even with compression. I hope this next generation has enough video memory to support 4K resolutions and push 60fps.

I also care nothing for backwards compatibility! To arms!

My city was a mess then. I remember just adding stuff as needed so things were not optimized at all lol Can't wait for this to come out if it's true.

Lasers can do anything! Magnets too!

I remember not liking the red areas on the crime and property value heat maps. I'd put down tons of police stations and destroy low income areas. I also remember using up the entire map and having only like 1/10 the population needed to "beat" the game. Good times.

Thanks for the tip! That looks like a kick ass program.

I found it on the Internet so it must be true! JK, never thought even thought about whether it was fake. I got it from this link:

Yeah I have a 5870 and I can't get the damn Catalyst Control Center menu to pop up even after uninstalling it. Googling this issue shows I need to reinstall Windows. I'm ready to jump ship to nVidia.