
But will this lead to Batdancing?

This is the justice department, not Burger King. I don’t see the point of tax dollars going to some shitty intern to type tweets for a government agency.

Why does Twitter again?

Twitter is a social media app whose purpose is to disrupt the employment of its users.

I am going to go to the adult movie theater using my adult money with my adult wife while driving my adult car this weekend.


Go figure.

The same reason I leave the fridge door open. I know I’m coming back later, so why the extra fuss?

Even worse, I am sorry I am being punished for my actions that I secretly still think are right.

It’s probably the “sorry I got caught” type of remorse.

Collins said in court papers she’s now remorseful for her actions.

The only statement so far was clearly written by a third-party.

1. He is racist.

“Real America”

I’ve had one of these things for years. It is my absolute favorite thing to cook on. It’s also a go to wedding present. I fry turkeys year round, and every time I have people over they always ask me to cook one. This is a hell of a buy at this price.

I’ve had one of these things for years. It is my absolute favorite thing to cook on. It’s also a go to wedding

I own one and really like it. I’ll echo that the basket can be a bit of a pain to clean, but aside from that, it’s a great cooker.

I own one and really like it. I’ll echo that the basket can be a bit of a pain to clean, but aside from that, it’s a

Typically if I am cooking a turkey or chicken, the main inside section just rinses clean with hot water and then gets a quick wipe down with soap. I have not had anything get really stuck to the inside. The basket is a paint in the ass to clean though.

Typically if I am cooking a turkey or chicken, the main inside section just rinses clean with hot water and then

Have this thing, absolutely love it for turkeys, roasts, etc. The ONLY thing I don’t like about it is cleaning the basket and the inside of the fryer after each use. Get some of that Dawn Power Dissolver stuff and some scouring pads - you’ll need them.

Have this thing, absolutely love it for turkeys, roasts, etc. The ONLY thing I don’t like about it is cleaning the

Duron Carter is a dickhead, the coach flopped and Canadian penalties sound adorable.