
It's like Kanye west and eminem had a baby...with no rapping skills.

Goddamn, those little fuckers are cute.

Wait, wait, wait. All this crap about how Sochi is a hell-hole, and you mean to tell me that it's really the land of puppies?

forgive me for bursting this bubble but for $175,000 I can buy a cabin cruiser and a fishing boat.

It was either a "first world problems" meme or this:


[chid is arrested by Russian authorities]

Such dogs. Many cuteness. Wow! Very +1.

Do they really have feral wiener dogs in Sochi?

I've traveled to a lot of places with stray dog issues and what's most surprising to me is the diversity in appearance here. In my experiences most places that have so many roaming strays have only a few identifiable 'breeds' whereas this looks delightfully diverse.

The Oscars' "In Memoriam" montage, Sochi edition.

Wow, this is weird! I also believe that personal injury victims will help restore my dead brother to me. I just do it one body part at a time. Also, I'm Doctor of Law Frankenstein.

Non-profit institutions can't afford things like that.

As real as the match.

Serves him right. That's not a very Safeway to shop for groceries.

You should never take the nuts off of the tire while it is on the jack. Re; potential of rocking the vehicle off the stand.

Since I am literally the person here who decides what is and isn't clever enough to deserve an article, I would say that it is!

They would physically fuck you in the ass when they installed it and charge you a $1000 "Insertion Fee". Those guys are creative.

Learn to do your research. Kansas City isn't in Kansas.