
“No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”

How’s this for weird?

Goddamn, you are catching an inordinate amount of shit for this. I’ll admit, I was on the fence until that baby decided to go chapter and verse from the Manifesto; now, I’m mostly wondering just how weird the comments are going to get.

The trend of it increasing a few bucks and leveling off? Your chart is showing that it’s predicted to be cheap for another 5 years, long enough for the current buyers to start looking again. Maybe you know something the IMF doesn’t, probably should buy up those shares while they’re cheap and you can sell them in a

Holy shit, a whole $70/barrel! Looks like gas’ll stay cheap for quite a few years yet.

my life is pretty easy at the moment, but i appreciate your sympathies nonetheless. again this post is a limited criticism of brooks’s column itself, which does not mention anything about clinton’s record, and merely says she needs to open up and be warmer, and i personally find that remarkable

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

Something like a multi-layered station window?

You should really say “circular” because they are already rounded

Yeah, I mentioned him too. Schweitzer and Hickenlooper should be at the top of her list.

i would love booker as VEEP

She should not consider anyone in the Senate. We need each democratic senator we have in there to stick around and hold the ground we have. Isn’t there a good natured Governor from somewhere who she can ask?

Stop trying to get EW to leave the senate, guys! She’s where she wants to be, and what’s more, we NEED her there. We WANT her there. We want her to be there for years and years, to have important positions on powerful committees, to build long-term relationships and the influence that comes with them, and to have the

Can’t believe no one has noticed that he is *quite likely*, maybe sorta perhaps also D.B. Cooper.

I heard Ted Cruz helped the Unabomber write his manifesto.

a dad who almost discovered what memes are

How? The Minnesota Zoo is beating the gibbons behind the scenes? The keepers are slipping the penguins hot sauce in their daily fish? They’re hiring professional moose-taunters? Please do enlighten us, oh paranoid but oh-so-insightful one, as to the forms this “cruelty” takes.

The Monterey Bay aquarium has spearheaded the protection and preservation of sea otters, and has an active rescue, rehabilitation, and release program. Sea otter populations are finally on the rise again, which in turn means the preservation of kelp habitats since the otters eat things like urchins which kill the kelp.

The California Condor was saved from being nearly extinct by the San Diego Zoo, among other locations. And yes, they were able to reintroduce them to the wild. The red wolf has also been part of a reintroduction project. Some animals are better candidates for reintroduction than others, here is a list of some animals

Actually nuts grow on trees? Peanuts grow in the ground and are a legume.