
That is insane and arbitrary nonsense.

This. People hate to be reminded that the meat they enjoy came because an animal had to be killed. I understand vegetarians or vegans who object to eating meat taking issue with the process, but people who eat meat REALLY need to experience it first hand — and since I don't think getting a job a meat processing

Maybe anything our imaginations can come up with could have happened. Maybe the police officer could have used magic to turn her gun into a banana... But that isn't what happened. What did happen was a 93 year old woman was waving a gun around and fired 2 shots, according to HER nephew, before being shot. (source: htt

waving* ugh.

I'm outraged at my use of the wrong wave/waive. And I think I did it in other comments — now ALL of my points have been invalidated. :(

They did ask her to put the gun down... That seems like a perfectly reasonable request that she ignored.

They put him on leave, as is standard procedure, while they investigate. It was not done as punishment.

You're clearly a crazy person. I hope they take away YOUR drivers license too.

You mean you don't threaten friends and law enforcement every time something doesn't go your way? Why not? A lot of commenters seem to think this is a perfectly reasonable way to behave and shouldn't have dire consequences.

You're fucking ridiculous.

It's unlikely the officer thought about any such thing, which is why the OP didn't imply that the office shot her for that reason. He asked a question that anyone interested in statistics and economics would ask. Just because the question makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean anyone is wrong for asking it.

....for waving a gun at the police officer because she was mad that she lost her license.

Yes. How dare we acknowledge unpleasant truths?

My first thought.

It will also teach him to put LITERALLY EVERYTHING HE CAN FIT into the box.

Defending pedophiles? I'm not saying the statement isn't true, but it feels pretty misleading. Care to elaborate?

Anyone else catch #25 sucker punch that guy?

"For the record, I am no snooper. It's just not my style. I was only curious, just wondering what he'd been up to. I have nothing to hide and assumed he didn't either."

Sooooo... A snooper?

He's a shit bag for cheating and there is a whole coach/teacher/person of authority issue with the student (though, lets not get

I'm pretty sure every large corporation has floors and floors of radioactive animals. At least that's what this anti-GMO pamphlet says.

He has human hands, so it's likely just an elaborate mask, and not an alien or robot.