
I don't get the ranger and S10 love at all. They were perfectly good but nothing to write home about. Looking back on to the 90s, Toyota and Nissan easily beat out any American made small/mid size truck, as far as I'm concerned.


I'll stick with the Nissan Frontier for now.

God damn that is an ugly little guy.

The not-the one pictured above Tacom is a pretty great size for people who could use a truck but don't "need" a truck and simply do not want some giant F-something50 or RamX500.

That thing is gigantic and oh god that MPG.

The Orlando looks like the bastard child of the Pontiac Aztec and Kia Soul. Also, they would need to re-brand it, because nobody wants to say they "drive an Orlando".

They look like sexy cartoon eyes, or something. It's nonsense.

You need to just let things go.

Oh, right. Because people just "open and close many windows" all willy nilly?! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Give it time.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks it's turned into a broken hunk of shit.

Yeah, the price points look pretty crazy. I doubt I would be able to afford one even if they were available.

Yes... take that science elsewhere.

Are you one of those people who sees news of a severe winter storm in New England and then points and yells, to no one in particular, "SEE THERE ISN'T ANY GLOBAL WARMING!"?

Pointing to relatively inactive seasons as proof that climate change isn't to blame is complete nonsense.

How to get VW going again in the US?

I have an idea:

I'm sure we can all agree: as long as the new Batman outfit has nipples it's going to look great.

Is anyone else surprised that none of them shouted "Roll Damn Tide!"?

Oh god. I made the mistake of reading through this comment thread.

And the commenting after telling myself to not comment...

What am I doing with my life?

Actually, there is a lot of evidence that bucks are not growing antlers as large as they have in the past, because hunting tends to select for larger racks, leaving behind bucks with smaller racks to carry on their bloodline. I think the general scarcity of albino animals makes the same type of selection far more

I've tasted the pictures they took. A little too dry.

Saying that because it is part of the hunt, that it means you like it is ridiculous. Shitting in the woods is often part of the hunt, I don't like shitting in the woods. Being up before sun up is part of the hunt, I don't enjoy waking up that early. Gutting the

How can you condemn hunting (this "sport hunting" term you are using as some means of distinction mean's nothing.) but have no ethical problem with feed yards, slaughter houses, and the eventual packaged meat it produces.

More specifically, in what way is hunting worse or more barbaric?

Nobody can make sense of this,

To be clear, I have exactly zero interest in trying to convince you —- multiple people have made an effort to explain why your perspective is not fair to reality, you refuse to except that, and then insist that what YOU believe is the only real truth.

You're just arguing religion now, not facts.

I'll just leave this