
Oh my god. I just read more of your comments.

Are you fucking retarded?

Hunting for sport and hunting for food are not mutually exclusive. Hunting is a sport which provides food for the hunter and his family. Often that food is also shared.

If your argument is that we have supermarkets and do not "need" to hunt, well, you're clearly confused about where meat comes from, or your impotent

Thanks, I'm glad that I was able to present something other than the good ol' boy, shoot 'em up, and fly the confederate flag over the truck image that many people have. It's not an entirely undeserved stereotype (and I am not really a fan of those guys either), but I think that image is disproportionately represented

The fact that you read (I assume you read what I wrote, even though you rarely addressed the specifics of anything I've said) and took away from it "lets throw caution to the wind and legalize all drugs over night and we'll figure this out as we go" is stunning because I said nothing of the sort. My original comment

Thank you. Your comment prompted re-read my post, and now I'm cringing at my typos. ugh.

It seems to be something that most people, especially those who view hunters as lazy or cowardly barbarians, seem to forget: we (all of us) have created the problem — civilization's encroachment on habitats (sprawling cities and suburbs), the careless over-hunting prior to any official form of wildlife management, and

I'm going to stop by the hardware store later. Do you need me to pick up any broad brushes? It seems like yours might be little worn out.

Trying to introduce a bit of logic and reason into comment threads on the internet is something I do to punish myself. Or maybe it's similar to why people cut themselves.

At the very least it's an unhealthy compulsion.

Is this still going on?

Your argument for maintaining a full fledged prohibition on drugs is terrible.

Go argue with someone else about something else.

I just posted a long rambling breakdown on why his/her logic is flawed. I doubt it is going to sway anyone's opinion, though. You're trying reason with people who see hunters as nothing more than dumb rednecks laying waste to vast swaths of wildlife, when that image couldn't be further from the truth.

Without really getting into the politics of taking a specific animals (nearly all hunters who have respect for the sport have a personal set of ethics and guidelines, beyond what the state requires.)

I want to address the utter thoughtlessness of your comment:

To be clear: You're saying that if a hunter is going to

You've done a fine thing here, sir. A fine thing indeed.

A follow up to your edit:

"Weed is on it's own as it has very limited effect on the casual user, but acting like we don't do things about alcohol is pretty asinine. The BAC limit to receive a DUI in most states is .08, and DWI's are generally in the .05-.06 range. We arrest and incarcerate people for alcohol all the

"Except at this point, the benefit would not be seen until a solid 20 or 30 years down the road, if even then."
What is that estimate based on? How did you come up with those numbers, and what is preventing those benefits from being realized sooner?

"Making drugs legal doesn't end drug cartels, gang violence on account

I don't disagree with the idea that we shouldn't legalize all drugs, but I can't find a reasonable place to draw the line. Alcohol is arguably worse than weed, but for most of the country possession of weed lands you in jail, but drinking alcohol only requires that you be 21 years old. Most people would argue that

GREAT! Now how am I going to buy socks anonymously!?!?

Ahhh. The incompetent hack of a CEO's bulky black shit box of choice. Now with more chrome!

If the inclusion of those stats were meant to alarm, they failed — at least for me. Those stats actually did the opposite, though more context would be helpful.

That appears to be the brain of AB-someone.

Well... Technically, yes.